
01 Jun 2019


To mark its 18th edition, Transilvania International Film Festival launches TIFF Unlimited, a streaming platform which extends the festival experience online. TIFF Unlimited is a streaming platform (SVoD) dedicated to festival-curated film content and it is an unique project in Romania and a premiere for film festivals in Central and Eastern Europe: TIFF Unlimited is the fir...

01 Jun 2019

Following the steps of Michel Gondry at Tiff 2019

Probably the only chance to get to know the famous director, screenwriter and french producer face to face is to follow the 2019 Tiff proposal, which contains a spectacular trip through Michel Gondry filmography. Being a special guest at three of the main projections included in the whole dedicated retrospective, the cineaste will conclude its visit to Cluj with a masterclass,...

01 Jun 2019

5 reasons to join infiniTIFF Summit

If you count yourself among the people who are in the film industry or you are a video content creator, you follow the trends within business, IT, technology or design, your presence at infiniTIFF Summit has to be your number one priority at TIFF 2019. Scheduled on June 6th, at Platinia Conference Centre, this event could be an unique opportunity to talk about the great potenti...

01 Jun 2019

Three intense experiences created by Fatih Akin

Three of the most controversial and awarded movies of the famous director, scriptwriter and German producer Fatih Akin are ready to impress and shock you during this edition, in 3X3 section.   Being a rebel of the contemporary cinematography, a well-known representative of the German film and a used to name on the favorites’ lists in the competitions of the biggest film...

31 May 2019

Program changes

FRIDAY, MAY 31st UPDATE FLORIN PIERSIC CINEMA - Parking will start at 00:30 STUDENT'S CULTURAL HOUSE - Parking will start at 00:30 --- FLORIN PIERSIC ARCTIC (20:30) - cancelled 00:30 - PARKING screening   STUDENT'S CULTURAL HOUSE 21:00 All you need is crime - canceled 21:30 - Parking screening 00:30 - Parking screening   VICTORIA RID...

31 May 2019

Dark Drama in the Shadows Section

Suspense takes your breath away, makes your palms sweat, and pushes you on the edge of your seat. Is this a panic attack? No, it’s the experience of seeing a good horror screened in one of the darkest sections of the Transilvania International Film Festival: Shadows, which brings to Cluj 12 intense features and just as many shorts produced over the past year. The section is pre...

30 May 2019

Bring Your Friends to the Amateur Film Factory

by Laurențiu Paraschiv | AperiTIFF After circling the world through Montreal, Buenos-Aires, Franfurt, Moscow, Rotterdam, or Paris, the Amateur Film Factory comes to Romania for the first time at the Transilvania International Film Festival. Created by celebrated French auteur Michel Gondry, this revolutionary interactive installation was conceived to cultivate, develop, and...

30 May 2019

Romanian Days Premieres and Suprises

The most anticipated Romanian premieres and the most popular national productions of the year come to the 18th edition of the Transilvania International Film Festival The Romanian Days section will screen 37 productions: 15 feature-length films, many of them debuts, and 22 shorts. The filmmakers will join hundreds of industry professionals in Cluj for a Romanian cinema marat...

23 May 2019

Cineaștii români vin la întâlnirea cu publicul

La aniversarea celor 18 ani de la prima ediție, Festivalul Internațional de Film Transilvania celebrează, printr-o serie de proiecții și evenimente speciale, cinematografia română și succesele profesioniștilor din domeniu, aici și peste hotare. Sute de invitați vor veni la Cluj între 31 mai și 9 iunie, pentru a-și întâlni publicul și pentru a fi prezenți la numeroasele premiere...

22 May 2019

infiniTIFF 2019 - Producția virtuală și viitorul conținutului audiovizual

infiniTIFF revine cu o a 3-a ediție, programată în perioada 1-8 Iunie 2019, în cadrul Festivalului Internațional de Film Transilvania, iar anul acesta secțiunea este dedicată viitorului conținutului audiovizual. Împreună cu invitați internaționali, încercăm să definim modul în care transformările digitale și tehnologiile disruptive ale momentului influențează nu doar mobilitate...

22 May 2019

Film Food at TIFF 2019

Film Food returns to the 18th edition of the Transilvania International Film Festival to surprise cinephiles and foodies alike with delicious tales and juicy details from Europe’s best-known restaurants. This year’s selection presents ancient recipes revisited, star ingredients, and secrets of world famous chefs. Screenings at Sapientia will be followed at Bricks by dinners wit...

20 May 2019

The Religion Class – The thematic section of TIFF 2019

The thematic section of the 18th edition of the Transilvania International Film Festival will address religion and spirituality head-on, in all their social and political ramifications. Nine titles which represent nine different visions of faith will compete for the FIPRESCI Award this year. The Innocent, by Swiss writer-director Simon Jaquemet, about the fragility of spirit...

20 May 2019

Marcel Iureș to receive the Excellence Award at TIFF 2019

One of the most acclaimed and beloved Romanian film and theater actors, the incomparable Marcel Iureș will be celebrated a the 18th edition of the Transilvania International Film Festival. The Closing Gala on June 8 will invite him on the stage where he made his debut 40 years ago, the National Theater in Cluj, to receive the Excellence Award for his impressive career. Te...