
21 Jun 2019

Film Food: experiențe cine-culinare la TIFF Sibiu

Film Food continuă să-i surprindă și la Sibiu pe pasionații de film și gastronomie cu povești savuroase și detalii picante din culisele celor mai cunoscute restaurante din Europa. Pentru a celebra faptul că anul acesta Sibiu este Regiune Gastronomică Europeană, programul ediției cu numărul 13 aduce în premieră pe marile ecrane din Sibiu o nouă secțiune care include 3 producții...

21 Jun 2019

Filme multi-premiate, premiere naționale și noi spații de proiecție la a 13-a ediție TIFF Sibiu

Între 27 și 30 iunie, Festivalul Internațional de Film Transilvania ajunge la Sibiu. Cele mai așteptate titluri ale anului, premiere naționale, proiecții în aer liber și  invitați speciali vor transforma orașul, timp de 4 zile, în capitala filmului, spre încântarea sibienilor  și a turiștilor veniți din întreaga lume. Cea de a 13-a ediție TIFF Sibiu aduce noutăți, atât din...

21 Jun 2019

Parking, în regia lui Tudor Giurgiu, deschide a 13-a ediție TIFF Sibiu

Parking – unul dintre cele mai așteptate filme ale anului - deschide cea de-a 13-a ediție TIFF Sibiu. Proiecția va avea loc joi, pe 27 iunie, în sala Mare a Centrului Cultural „Ion Besoiu”, în prezența regizorului Tudor Giurgiu. Actrița Carmen Florescu, scriitorul Marin Mălaicu-Hondrari, autorul bestseller-ului ,,Apropierea’’, care a inspirat scenariul filmului, precum și alți...

11 Jun 2019

Monos Wins 18th Transilvania Trophy

The best films of this edition of the 2019 Transilvania International Film Festival were celebrated Saturday, June 8, at the Cluj National Theater. Monos, directed by Alejandro Landes, was the great winner of TIFF’s 18th edition: the Columbian tribal fable impressed the jury with its masterfully told story of survival, power, and anarchy, nabbing the 15,000 EUR Transilvania Tro...

08 Jun 2019

Woodstock documentary now on TIFF UNLIMITED

TIFF Unlimited, the streaming platform of the Transilvania International Film Festival which brings the festival experience online, surprises film lovers, two days after its launch with a new highly appreciated title. At the public’s request, the documentary Woodstock: Three Days that Defined a Generation, screened at Arkhai Sculpture Park at  TIFF 2019, will be available start...

07 Jun 2019

Music in Films: Masterclass Jean-Michel Bernard

On Friday, 7th of June, starting 5.30 pm, you’ll get the chance to meet for the first time in Romania, Jean-Michel Bernard, world-famous awarded pianist, composer and producer. The French artist laureate at Cannes in 2007 will teach a film music masterclass at TIFF Lounge. The access to this event will be free, but the seats will be limited. Known for the unique composition...

06 Jun 2019

Surprise film: The Whistlers

Upon the public request, the surprise film that can be seen on Saturday, 8th of June, 18.00 hour, at Florin Piersic Cinema is the second projection of The Whistlers, directed by Corneliu Porumboiu. Freshly launched in the official competion of Cannes, the film tell the story of a corrupt police officer (Vald Ivanov), who’s sent on an island in Spain in order to learn the wh...

04 Jun 2019

Chirilov’s recommendations

Our colleagues from AperiTIFF asked Mihai Chirilov, the artistic director of the festival, what movies are not to be missed this edition. We picked 8 titles and we are sure that at least one of them is already in your watchlist. “France is present in more than 5 categories, this year at TIFF, including Shadows section, thematic section and the International Competition:...

04 Jun 2019

Pavel Bartoș directorial debut and other short films that must not be missed

With over 200 feature films in TIFF 2019 edition, choosing what to see might prove a challenge. But we advise you not to miss the short films that are already included in the special sections of this year festival. We have picked a few for you and we are sure that our selection will definitely catch your attention: The Romanian Tradition stands for the directorial debut of t...

03 Jun 2019

Albanian trip, with music and films not to be missed at TIFF. 18

If you count yourself among the hidden treasure hunters or year by year you break down your own ‘how many movies I can watch at TIFF’ record, you’ll be amazed by the stories that have been included this year in Focus Albania Section. Three important titles and many courageous approaches are ready to surprise you in the next days, for the 18th edition of the festival. Re...

03 Jun 2019

8 musical events that you have to attend to at TIFF.18

Yes, it's very true. Starting this edition the TIFF experience will prolong itself for unlimited time. But you still have to know that some events that have been included in this year schedule, can be seen only live, at TIFF House, every night, with free entrance.   Saturday, 1st of June, 20.30 pm EYOT Also called "Jazz Nirvana", the quartet comes to Cluj straight fr...

02 Jun 2019

Ovations Rain on World Premiere of TIFF Opener Parking

The world premiere of Tudor Giurgiu’s most recent feature Parking opened the 18th edition of the Transilvania International Film Festival on Friday night. Organizers and audiences lost the bet against the weather forecast, so they had to withdraw from the Open Air screening into cinema theaters, where applause was the only thing that rained on the film. The most important ne...

01 Jun 2019

Program changes - Monday, June 3rd

Monday, June 3rd Because of the sever weather warnings for today, all outdoor screening will be moved indoor: * Unirii Square Open Air: Swoon will be screened at the Student's Cultural House, starting 11:15 PM * Iulius Park Open Air: The Purity of Vengeance will be screened at Mărăști Cinema, starting 10:00 PM *Someș Open Air: Baikonur will be screened at Dacia Mănă...