
08 Aug 2020

,,Adoration’’ wins the Young Francophone Jury Award

The film ”Adoration”, directed by Fabrice du Welz, won the Young Francophone Jury Award at the 19th edition of the Transylvania International Film Festival. The award is offered by TV5MONDE, the French Institute in Romania and RFI Romania and consists of receiving the rights to broadcast the film in Romania.  The jury of the section, Denisa Dragomir, Daria Ichim, Raluca Moro...

07 Aug 2020

InspiraTIFF with Maria Ploae

The beloved actress Maria Ploae comes to meet and talk with the InspiraTIFF audience tomorrow, August 8, the very day she will be awarded the Excellence Award at the Closing Gala of the 19th edition of TIFF. Spectators will be able to meet her at Casa TIFF, at 11:00 AM, the access to the event being free, within the available seats.  A magnetic presence on the big screen and...

07 Aug 2020

TOKOS concert and ”Amarcord” screening

In the spectacular setting of Arkhai Sculpture Park in Vlaha, the TOKOS ensemble from Cluj offers a concert of traditional Hungarian music, Sunday, August 9, in the last day of TIFF 2020 The performance will be followed by a special screening of Amarcord (1973), the landmark film that won the great Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini three Academy Awards, for Best Director, f...

07 Aug 2020

TIFF Talks with realizatorii documentarelor ,,Acasă’’ și ,,Lemn’’

Directors Radu Ciorniciuc and Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan come to TIFF Talks on today, August 7, at 6PM. Present at TIFF during the Romanian Film Days, the filmmakers will offer the public details from the backstage of the documentaries ”Home” and ”Wood”, both screened for the first time at TIFF 2020. The event will take place at Casa TIFF, where spectators will have free access, wi...

07 Aug 2020

Active Archive Program - UNATC Films (1966-1971)

After decades staying in the boxes of the UNATC Archive "IL Caragiale", nine student films from the 60s will be screened for the first time at TIFF.  The Active Archive Program - UNATC Films (1966-1971) will be presented at Coșbuc, today, at 9.30 pm. It includes 9 short films made by the first generations of student directors and operators after a break of almost a decade. Y...

06 Aug 2020

InspiraTIFF with István Téglás

Tomorrow, August 7, at 11:00, the guest of journalist Mihnea Măruță at InspiraTIFF is the actor István Téglás, present at this edition as part of the cast of Malmkrog, the latest film of director Cristi Puiu. The public will be able to meet him at the TIFF House, where access will be free.  István Téglás graduated from the Acting Department of the University of Theater Art T...

06 Aug 2020

TIFF Talks with the teams of the movies ,,Eden’’ and ,,Tales from the prison cell’’

Represented by director Ágnes Kocsis, one of the jury members of the TIFF 2018 edition, and actress Maja Roberti, who is making her big screen debut, the ”Eden” film team comes to TIFF Talks with Ábel Visky, the director of Prison Stories. The public will be able to meet them on today, August 6, at 6 PM, at Casa TIFF, where access will be free, subject to availability.  Pres...

06 Aug 2020

The Film + program presentation

Film +, the consulting and support laboratory for low-budget independent film productions, presents Thursday, August 6, at 17:00, the news of the fifth edition, during the Romanian Film Days, at TIFF 2020. Filmmakers, journalists and interested viewers can learn more about the new format of the 2020-2021 program, dedicated to independent productions in Romania, Moldova, Bul...

05 Aug 2020

InspiraTIFF with Marina Voica

With a career spanning six decades, while she has been shining on the stages of major festivals and won countless awards of excellence, the incredible artist Marina Voica, comes to meet the InspiraTIFF audience tomorrow, August 6, at 11:00, at Casa TIFF. Access to the event is free, subject to availability.  A star of the golden generation of Romanian music, Marina Voica has...

05 Aug 2020

Winners of the TIFF 2020 Local Competition

The prize of the Local Competition, worth 1500 euros, offered by Banca Transilvania, was awarded to the director Farkas Boglárka Angéla, for the film ”Ceea ce nu am observat” (What I did not notice), a story focused on the disappearance of loved ones and the memories left behind. The award was presented to the winner at the Awards Gala organized on yesterday, August 4, at the A...

05 Aug 2020

The team of the movie ”So what's freedom" at TIFF talks

Director Andrei Zincă and actors Nicodim Ungureanu, Iulia Lumânare, Cristian Popa and Tünde Skovrán are the special guests, today, at Casa TIFF. The team of the movie ”So, whats freedom”, presented for the first time ever at TIFF, in the Romanian Days section, will meet with the public from 6 PM, in a discussion moderated by Ionuț Mareș.  The movie, inspired from reality, is...

05 Aug 2020

Books about movies launched at TIFF 2020

Cinema lovers who are interested in discovering literature that talks about the evolution of cinematography are invited to attend, at TIFF 2020, two book launches, organized and held at Casa TIFF, with free entry. Today, the 5th of August, from 5 PM, Eikon oublishing house launches the volume ”Adaptarea cinematografica a operelor literare. Aporii. Prejudecăți. Noi perspectiv...

04 Aug 2020

InpiraTIFF with Pavel Bartoș

The daily dose of InspiraTIFF is brought to you tomorrow, the 5th of August, from charismatic actor and director Pavel Bartoș. The audience has the chance to meet him from 11 AM, at Casa TIFF. Access to the event is free of charge but the places are limited. Pavel Bartoș started his career on the stage of the puppet theatre Puck, in Cluj-Napoca, in 1993, after graduating fro...