Transilvania International Film Festival’s traditional partner HBO will preview this year the first two episodes of Tuff Money / Bani negri (pentru zile albe) on Friday, August 7, at 9:30 PM at Club Transilvania. Written and directed by Daniel Sandu (One Step Behind the Seraphim / Un pas în urma Serafimilor), the series stars Alexandru Papadopol, Cristian Bota, and Medeea Marin...
The Transilvania International Film Festival (July 31 – August 9, 2020) is reconfigured to prioritize public health, safety, and social distancing by doing exclusively outdoor screenings in over 10 locations in Cluj. Safety measures will be mandatory for all TIFF crew, guests, and audience members and will be posted prominently in all locations. TIFF’s 19th edition opens Fri...
Cluj turns into a charming, old-school Felliniesque set, populated by seductive characters and surprises, in the image campaign for the 19th edition of the Transilvania International Film Festival (July 31-August 9). Classic scenes inspired by the great Italian auteur Federico Fellini are adapted to the local context and spiced up with Transylvanian humor in a story of creative...
Dedicated to first-time or sophomore feature film directors, the TIFF 2020 Official Competition features 12 provocative stories and just as many original approaches competing for the Transilvania Trophy. Eight of them are feature film debuts for directors who are just starting out or have already made a name for themselves as series or documentary film directors. TIFF audiences...
Richer than ever in premieres, the Romanian film program of the 19th Transilvania International Film Festival includes a record 21 features and 16 shorts which will screen in the presence of filmmakers in Cluj-Napoca between July 31 and August 9. 15 of these will have their Romanian premieres, while 7 will have their world premieres in the Romanian Days section. The Roma...
Ajuns la cea de-a 13-a ediție, UNDERCLOUD - Festival de Teatru Independent de Orice, primul festival de teatru independent din România va avea loc anul acesta în perioada 11-18 august, în aer liber, la Muzeul Țăranului Român. Timp de 8 zile, spectatorii vor avea șansa de a vedea o selecție a celor mai îndrăgite spectacole UNDERCLOUD, respectând măsurile impuse pentru prevenirea...
Vineri, 3 iulie, la ora 20.00 (ora României) avem plăcerea să vă invităm la o întâlnire online cu doi documentariști majori ai zilelor noastre, Claire Simon și Ross McElwee, care vor fi, de asemenea, invitații speciali ai ediției cu numărul 13 a festivalului One World Romania (ce se va desfășura între 21 și 30 august).Ambii autori, deși vin din zone geografice și culturale dife...
A nostalgic, humor-filled journey in time opens the 19th edition of the Transilvania International Film Festival on July 31st, 2020, as La Belle Époque, featuring Daniel Auteuil and Fanny Ardant, screens on the opening night. Until August 9th, the most anticipated films of the year, coming straight from the major festivals or the Oscars line-up, will stand alongside contro...
The always fascinating Italy, which has been in the world spotlight in this unusual year, also gets top billing at the Transilvania International Film Festival. Those who want to spend their summer vacation in Cluj-Napoca between July 31-August 9 will get to enjoy a generous dose of cinema italiano in Focus Italy, as well as a centennial celebration of one of the most influenti...
Those who want to find what is new in Italian cinema can enjoy a strong selection of titles coming from major festivals in Focus Italia at Transilvania IFF 2020. Marco Bellocchio’s Il traditore comes straight from Cannes, distributed by Independența Film. Tommaso Buscetta’s fascinating life story as the first informer infiltrated in the Sicillian mafia in the 1980s was richly r...
Good news for film lovers: the 19th edition of the Transilvania International Film Festival will take place between July 31-August 9! Postponed by restrictive anti-pandemic measures adopted this Spring, TIFF returns with a summer edition featuring outdoor screenings, adapted programming, and a vacation atmosphere. Both the opening and the closing nights will take place in the U...
Ai vreun artist preferat? Un spectacol la care ai râs sau care a atins vreo coardă sensibilă? Sunt evenimente la care te-ai dus cu entuziasm, locuri unde ți-ai dat întâlnire cu oameni dragi, zile în care ți-ai decorat viața cu artă. Pentru amintirile plăcute din care ne alimentăm pozitiv în vreme de criză, dar și cu așteptarea reîntâlnirii cu artiștii noștri dragi, lansăm pe Ev...
Faptul că amânăm ediția a 13-a a Festivalului One World Romania până spre sfârșitul verii nu înseamnă că ne resemnăm să nu vă mai întâlnim până atunci. Începând din luna mai și până în septembrie vom organiza, constant, o serie de evenimente și de proiecții online, din dorința de a păstra legătura, măcar virtual.Mai întâi, reluăm Cineclubul OWR, într-o formulă compusă din conve...