20 februarie - 20:30 🥷🏻 - Traian Dobra sau elefantul din cameră, în costum de ninja. Face glume, conduce mașini, permis de Alba. Ce mai e de zis? Zorro - Semi-bucureștean, Demi-sec, jukebox de rime, comediant contra-cost și pro bono, actor în bucătărie....See more details
În weekendul 28 februarie - 2 martie, la Cinema Victoria și Cinema Timiș ai ocazia de a descoperi marii favoriți la Oscarurile din acest an, chiar înaintea galei de la Hollywood! Scris de Gabriel Sherman, The Apprentice prezintă ascensiunea fostului președinte american Donald Trump (Sebastian Stan) la putere printr-un „pact faustic” cu influentul avocat de dreapta Roy Cohn (Jeremy Strong)....See more details
SOLD OUT. All seats – including the last batch – which we released on January 15, are now filled. We are humbled by your interest, and we wish everyone could be there. Every year a few seats might become available as the conference approaches and some participants decide they can't attend....See more details
Rex The Dog favours an analogue approach to everything. Musician and visual artist Jake Williams takes a pencil and paper approach to his drawings, just as much as he enjoys a hands-on approach to his music. A rave icon in the late 90s under the name of JX, he has released some of the most celebrated dancefloor bangers of the era....See more details
The Beauty of Gemina, a Swiss electronic/alternative rock band founded by Michael Sele in 2006, is coming to ctrl on Friday, February 21. For almost 18 years, Michael Sele and The Beauty of Gemina have been celebrated not only in their home country and neighbouring countries, but also throughout Europe and especially in Central and South America, so that their tours have already taken them halfway around the globe....See more details
19.00 guest arrival, announced by the Lord Stewart 19.30 dinner for count's guests 20.00 count's magicians show Eduard & Bianca 21.00 Dracula's wedding ballet show 21.30 Waltz of the count 22.00 Ritual killing of a Living Dead & After Party with devilish dance 01....See more details
19.00 guest arrival, announced by the Lord Stewart 19.30 dinner for count's guests 20.00 count's magicians show Eduard & Bianca 21.00 Dracula's wedding ballet show 21.30 Waltz of the count 22.00 Ritual killing of a Living Dead & After Party with devilish dance 01....See more details
19.00 guest arrival, announced by the Lord Stewart 19.30 dinner for count's guests 20.00 count's magicians show Eduard & Bianca 21.00 Dracula's wedding ballet show 21.30 Waltz of the count 22.00 Ritual killing of a Living Dead & After Party with devilish dance 01....See more details
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The main objective of the “Enter The Flux” workshop is to enhance the body and therefore its movement capacity through cognitive and intuitive processes. Inspired by different expressive domains such as Martial Arts, Theatre, Poetry, Capoeira, Urban Dance and Contemporary Dance, we will try to understand and use the body in as many ways as possible in order to acces the Flux....See more details
21, 28 Februarie - 20:00 - 22:00
22, 23 Februarie, 1, 2 Martie - 09:30 - 11:30
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The main objective of the “Enter The Flux” workshop is to enhance the body and therefore its movement capacity through cognitive and intuitive processes. Inspired by different expressive domains such as Martial Arts, Theatre, Poetry, Capoeira, Urban Dance and Contemporary Dance, we will try to understand and use the body in as many ways as possible in order to acces the Flux....See more details
21, 28 Martie - 20:00 - 22:00
22, 23, 29, 30 Martie - 09:30 - 11:30