Street Fighting Man

12+ EN, RO
Street Fighting Man Animest.19

Street Fighting Man 12+


Duration: 1h 17m

Urban Frames short films

3 minutes to live - Italy, dir. Vittorio Ascolani et Emanuele Motti - 5min 
The last garden - UK, dir. Eloise Jenninger 8min
The Fire next time - UK, dir. Renaldho Pelle - 7min30 
Riot - France, dir. Frank Ternier - 13min30
You’re gonna be fine in the end - South Korea, dir. Young Chan Jeon - 9min30
The employment - Argentina, dir. Santiago Bou Grasso - 6min
Deep Love - Ukraine, dir. Nikita Lyskov - 14min 
Picus - France, dir. Frederic Doazan - 5 min
I’m leaving - France, dir. Michelle Brand - 3min30

At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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