Workshop with Diana Markosian: Photographing the Personal

Workshop with Diana Markosian: Photographing the Personal

Workshop with Diana Markosian: Photographing the Personal


Workshop with Diana Markosian: Photographing the Personal

Organized by The Power of Storytelling & DOCUMENTARIA

Simbio, 26 Negustori Street, Bucharest 

Thursday, 11 October 2018, 10:00 (please arrive 15 minutes earlier)

* The workshop will last 4 hours and the working language is English. Participants are expected to bring their own computers for the workshop.

Photographing the Personal is a half-day workshop examining a photographer’s approach to creating personal work. This workshop will give photographers the chance to a reflective and critical viewing of their work in a supportive atmosphere. We will work together to develop existing personal projects with both short-term and long-term goals in mind. The workshop will include development and editing ideas.

Diana Markosian is a Magnum photographer who will be joining The Power of Storytelling conference in Bucharest (12-13 October), organized by Decât o Revistă. Through her projects she explores the deeply personal, from documenting the lives of young Chechen girls coming of age in the aftermath of war, to her reconnection with her estranged father, to a film on Armenian survivors. Her work is both conceptual and documentary, allowing her subjects to dictate the outcome. Her images can be found in publications like National Geographic Magazine, The New Yorker and The New York Times. More of her work can be explored here.


The Power of Storytelling is is an (un)conference built on the idea that well-crafted stories connect people, heal wounds, inspire, lead, and create change. The event, at its 8th edition this year (12 -13 October), is organized by Decât o Revistă. 

DOCUMENTARIA is a community of photojournalists founded in 2016, documenting everyday life in Romania.

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