A Woman Under the Influence (1974)

A Woman Under the Influence (1974) American Independent Film Festival, ediția a 2-a

A Woman Under the Influence (1974)

American Independent Film Festival, ediția a 2-a


A Woman Under the Influence

Cea mai buna actriță – Globurile de Aur

Nominalizat la 2 Oscaruri

Regia: John Cassavetes

Țara: S.U.A.
Anul: 1974
Genul: dramă
Durata: 148 minute


A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE aruncă o privire intensă și intimă asupra crizei unei familii suburbane de clasă mijlocie. Furtunoasă dar profund iubitoare, căsnicia dintre Nick (Peter Falk) și Mabel (Gena Rowlands) se destramă după ce comportamentul ei, din ce în ce mai excentric, îl împinge pe Nick să o interneze într-o instituție psihiatrică.


John Cassavetes – Regie

John Cassavetes – Scenariu

Al Ruban, Mitch Breit - Imagine

David Armstrong, Sheila Viseltear– Montaj

Bo Harwood – Muzica


Peter Falk

Gena Rowlands

Fred Draper

Lady Rowlands



A Woman Under the Influence

Best Actress – Golden Globes

Nominated for 2 Oscars

Directed by: John Cassavetes

Year: 1974

Country: USA

Genre: drama

Length: 155 minutes


A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE is an intense and intimate look at the breakdown of a suburban middle-class family. Tempestuous, idiosyncratic but deeply loving, the marriage between Nick (Peter Falk) and Mabel (Gena Rowlands) is thrown in disarray after her increasingly eccentric behavior pushes Nick to commit her to a psychiatric institution.


John Cassavetes – Director

John Cassavetes – Screenwriter

Al Ruban, Mitch Breit - Cinematography

David Armstrong, Sheila Viseltear – Editing

Bo Harwood – Music


Peter Falk

Gena Rowlands

Fred Draper

Lady Rowlands

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5O7ujg3VQU



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