Wood / Lemn

Wood / Lemn Romanian Film Days in Sweden / Rumänska filmdagar i Sverige

Wood / Lemn

Romanian Film Days in Sweden / Rumänska filmdagar i Sverige

Wood / Lemn (2020, 95 min., doc.) 

Director: Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan, Ebba Sinzinger, Michaela Kirst

Illegal logging is a global business worth billions. Alexander von Bismarck, descendant of the Iron Chancellor and head of the Environmental Investigation Agency in Washington D.C., successfully pursues the machinations of the timber commerce worldwide. His primary concern isn’t to expose a scandalous situation, but rather to promote a change in the consciousness of politics and civil society and to bring about a new code of conduct for the global economy and consumers.

Festivals: CPH:DOX, Sarajevo, TIFF

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