Simple Minds: Everything Is Possible

Simple Minds: Everything Is Possible DokStation

Simple Minds: Everything Is Possible


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Regie: Joss Crowley / UK / 2023 / 1h28min
Distribuție: Jim Kerr, Charlie Burchill, Jimmy Iovine, Bob Geldof, Bobby Gillespie, Dave Gahan, Irvine Welsh, Sharleen Spiteri, Richard Branson

Documentarul Simple Minds: Everything is Possible spune povestea inspirațională a unui grup de tineri din clasa muncitoare ce au crescut împreună în Glasgow-ul post-industrial, au îndrăznit să viseze și au devenit Simple Minds, o trupă emblematică, poate cea mai importantă din Scoția.

Punctând evenimente ca revoluția punk sau apariția MTV, ce au ajutat trupa Simple Minds în drumul spre succes, documentarul regizat de Joss Crowley are la bază prietenia dintre Jim Kerr și partenerul său, compozitorul Charlie Burchill, care s-au cunoscut în spatele unui bloc de locuințe sociale din Glasgow, în 1967. Pe lângă interviurile profunde cu Jim și Charlie, filmul conține și contribuții de la Jimmy Iovine, Bob Geldof, Molly Ringwald, Bobby Gillespie, Dave Gahan, Irvine Welsh, Sharleen Spiteri, Richard Branson, Mariella Frostrup și mulți alții.


Simple Minds: Everything is Possible tells the inspirational story of how a group of working-class kids growing up in postindustrial Glasgow dared to dream. Those kids became Simple Minds, the most iconic and influential Scottish band in history.

Told through hidden hand events (the punk explosion, the emergence of MTV…) that appeared out of nowhere to propel Simple Minds not only into its existence and on to global success but also to reboot the band, Simple Minds: Everything is Possible is a feature length documentary directed by Joss Crowley and produced by Lonesome Pine.

At the very heart of Simple Minds dwells the ongoing friendship between Jim Kerr and his songwriting partner Charlie Burchill who met in the shadow of a brand-new Glasgow council tower block in 1967. Alongside a series of intimate interviews with Jim and Charlie, the film features contributions from Jimmy Iovine, Bob Geldof, Molly Ringwald, Bobby Gillespie, Dave Gahan, Irvine Welsh, Sharleen Spiteri, Richard Branson, Mariella Frostrup and many more.

Simple Minds: Everything is Possible is a music-inspired humaninterest story imbued with social history, politics, and activism. It features unseen family and band archive as well as iconic footage from Live Aid and the Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute and is set to Simple Minds’ cinematic songbook of hits and rarities from Someone, Somewhere in Summertime and Don’t You Forget (About Me) to Belfast Child and Mandela Day.

18:30 - Wednesday, 18 September 2024

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