Ethel & Ernest

Ethel & Ernest Anim'est 2017 - Competition

Ethel & Ernest

Anim'est 2017 - Competition

Bazat pe cartea din 1998 a apreciatului autor şi ilustrator britanic Raymond Briggs, acest lungmetraj de animaţie superb realizat spune povestea adevărată a vieţii părinţilor lui Briggs, Ethel şi Ernest, doi londonezi obişnuiţi care se vor trezi protagonişti ai unor extraordinare evenimente ce schimbă societatea din temelie.

Festivaluri: Londra 2016, Palm Springs 2017, Seattle 2017, Melbourne 2017

Regizor: Roger Mainwood 
Ţara: Marea Britanie


Based on the 1998 book by the acclaimed British author and illustrator Raymond Briggs, the beautifully hand-drawn, animated feature film tells the true story of Briggs’ parents, Ethel and Ernest, two ordinary Londoners living through a period of extraordinary events and immense social change.

Festivals: London 2016, Palm Springs 2017, Seattle 2017, Melbourne 2017

Directed: Roger Mainwood 
Country: UK

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