FICAM - Festival International de Cinéma d'Animation de Meknès
The Aïcha Foundation organizes in partnership with the French Institute of Meknes the 21st edition of the FICAM (Meknès International Animation Film Festival - Morocco) from Friday 3 to Sunday 12 March 2023.
Integrated into the France - Morocco Cultural Season in 2015, FICAM has over the years established itself as a leading film institute and a pioneering festival on the Arab and African scale. Since the creation of FICAM, the partnership between The French institute of Meknès and The Aïcha Foundation has continued to encourage actions aimed at young people, especially through the contributions of invited professionals for masterclasses, meetings, film classes and workshops for the benefit of students from film schools and audiovisual sections in addition to the shorts and feature competitions. In an avant-garde spirit, FICAM has gradually built up a loyal audience with whom it shares cinematic works never before seen in the Kingdom, in the presence of world-renowned filmmakers: Moustapha Alassane, Roger Allers, Brenda Chapman, Anca Damian, Eric Goldberg, Florence Miailhe, Michel Ocelot, Alexandre Petrov, Isao Takhata… Alongside the Festival's continued commitment to major image education projects, the Festival is also committed to raising public awareness of the importance of animation as an art form in itself and as an industry capable of creating real economic value. Today, the event is a much needed meeting point for professionals, film lovers and animation enthusiasts from all corners of the Moroccan kingdom. The magic created by the event never fails to win the spontaneous and touching support of the hundreds of children who attend school screenings every year. FICAM in 20 years has created a child-to-adult audience, a curious amateur turned professional, and an emerging audience. At the intersection of several arts, from writing to drawing, from puppetry to special effects, from composition to sound design, from imagination to production, the meeting space is a honeycomb where tomorrow's productions are cultivated and many talents are nurtured.