She Past Away, the dark wave / post-punk duo, is coming to Control on March 26, 2025. The duo consists of Volkan Caner (vocal, guitars and songwriting) and Doruk Ozturkcan (drums, synths and production). Experimenting old/new aesthetic of synth music into their core guitar stuff, She Past Away forged a sound, an attitude, and a sensibility, conveyed through a minimalist poetry sung in Turkish, which sweeps the audience through a dense, continual epic trip in both their recordings and live performances....See more details
Proiectul său se numește SCENES FROM MEMORY, îi aparține în întregime, iar suportul sonor nu se rezumã doar la pianul acustic ci include o varietate de exerciții de sunet construite și redate în timp real. Pian acustic preparat - iatà referința acordatà ansamblului de accesorii tehnice (aparate electronice de procesare a sunetului) sau mecanico-acustice, utilizate pe și în jurul instrumentului de bază....See more details
Proiectul său se numește SCENES FROM MEMORY, îi aparține în întregime, iar suportul sonor nu se rezumã doar la pianul acustic ci include o varietate de exerciții de sunet construite și redate în timp real. Pian acustic preparat - iatà referința acordatà ansamblului de accesorii tehnice (aparate electronice de procesare a sunetului) sau mecanico-acustice, utilizate pe și în jurul instrumentului de bază....See more details
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The “Round Around” workshop has as its main theme the idea of the rounded body which will be deepened through specific exercises that help to understand the need of the body to be in contraction by positioning it in the fetal position....See more details
7, 14 Februarie - 20:00 - 22:00
8, 9, 15, 16 Februarie - 09:30 - 11:30
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The “Round Around” workshop has as its main theme the idea of the rounded body which will be deepened through specific exercises that help to understand the need of the body to be in contraction by positioning it in the fetal position....See more details
7, 14 Martie - 20:00 - 22:00
8, 9, 15, 16 Martie - 09:30 - 11:30
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The “Round Around” workshop has as its main theme the idea of the rounded body which will be deepened through specific exercises that help to understand the need of the body to be in contraction by positioning it in the fetal position....See more details
16, 23 Mai - 20:00 - 22:00
17, 18, 24, 25 Mai - 09:30 - 11:30
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The main objective of the “Enter The Flux” workshop is to enhance the body and therefore its movement capacity through cognitive and intuitive processes. Inspired by different expressive domains such as Martial Arts, Theatre, Poetry, Capoeira, Urban Dance and Contemporary Dance, we will try to understand and use the body in as many ways as possible in order to acces the Flux....See more details
21, 28 Februarie - 20:00 - 22:00
22, 23 Februarie, 1, 2 Martie - 09:30 - 11:30
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The main objective of the “Enter The Flux” workshop is to enhance the body and therefore its movement capacity through cognitive and intuitive processes. Inspired by different expressive domains such as Martial Arts, Theatre, Poetry, Capoeira, Urban Dance and Contemporary Dance, we will try to understand and use the body in as many ways as possible in order to acces the Flux....See more details
21, 28 Martie - 20:00 - 22:00
22, 23, 29, 30 Martie - 09:30 - 11:30