Bohemian Betyars | Republic Hub

Bohemian Betyars | Republic Hub

Bohemian Betyars | Republic Hub

 Márciusban újra mini turné: visszatérünk Marosvásárhelyre, a Republic HUB-ba!

Bohemian Betyars is returning to Targu Mures! Come and join us on March 21st for an evening filled with lively rhythms and vibrant Balkan tunes at the Republic Hub.

Formed in 2009, Bohemian Betyars is a fiddler band with a purpose to spread the feeling of bitter revelry (an oh so Hungarian specialty) the farthest possible. Self-described as speed-folk freak-punk, their music has evolved into a new, exciting mixture – including rocking punk, bouncing ska, swooping psychedelia, melodic themes all spiced up with Hungarian, Balkanic and Gipsy elements.

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