ABBA: Against The Odds

ABBA: Against The Odds DokStation

ABBA: Against The Odds


Premieră națională
Regie: James Rogan / UK / 2024 / 1h30min
Björn Ulvaeus, Anni-Frid Lyngstad, Benny Andersson, Agnetha Fältskog, Olivia Newton-John, Nile Rodgers

Un film de referință despre trupa pop absolută: la a 50-a aniversare a victoriei de la Eurovision, documentarul ABBA: Against The Odds spune povestea formației din perioada sa de glorie, între 1976 și 1980.

Documentarul prezintă și latura mai puțin cunoscută a succesului ABBA: în încercarea de a scăpa de eticheta „one hit wonder”, trupa trebuie să facă față protestelor din Suedia și interdicțiilor de difuzare radio din Marea Britanie, reușind să-și găsească un sound unic și să cucerească topurile muzicale din întreaga lume. Când ABBAmania ia amploare, presiunea celebrității amenință relațiile dintre membrii formației.

Prin intermediul hiturilor arhicunoscute și al imaginilor exclusive, de arhivă, documentarul surprinde parcursul incredibil spre succes al formației ABBA.


The ultimate film about the ultimate pop band. On the 50th anniversary of their iconic urovision victory, this is the untold story of ABBA in the golden years between 1976 and 1980.

This gripping feature documentary tells the little-known story of ABBA’s struggle against the odds to ditch the post-Eurovision tag of ‘one hit wonder’. Facing protests in Sweden & UK radio bans, ABBA have to find their unique sound before conquering the global charts. But when ABBAmania kicks in, the pressure threatens the relationships at the heart of the band. Told through the timeless hits and stunning archive footage, this film captures the incredible journey that led ABBA to greatness.

50 years after winning Eurovision, this film charts the story of ABBA's battle for critical and commercial success as they rose to become one of the defining pop groups of the 70s. Told mostly in their own words and with rare and unseen archive material drawn from all around the world, it captures how the band had to fight to ditch the tag of Eurovision-winner to become global superstars in the face of constant backlash from the musical establishment. It charts their journey to chart dominance through Europe, Australia and the UK, and also the struggle to conquer America. It explores the band’s personal challenges, which culminated in divorce and led them to create one of the great ‘break up’ songs of all time in The Winner Takes It All. Along the way, the film delves into the fascinating connection between ABBA’s distinctive style and approach to music and the politically volatile times in which they lived. These strands are woven together to cast fresh light on a band that against the odds created a unique sound, defied the critics and delivered a musical legacy that endures to this day.

At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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