The Best of Fiver Dance Film Festival

The Best of Fiver Dance Film Festival Bucharest International Dance Film Festival BIDFF 2019

The Best of Fiver Dance Film Festival

Bucharest International Dance Film Festival BIDFF 2019

Bucharest International Dance Film Festival 2019 - BIDFF #5 propune iubitorilor de film de dans o întâlnire cu cele mai bune filme din cadrul Festivalului de Film de Dans - FIVER.
Proiecția are loc sâmbătă, 7 septembrie, de la ora 16:00, la Linotip - Centru Independent Coregrafic.
Selecția de filme este curatoriată chiar de Samuel Retortillo, directorul artistic al Fiver International Screendance Movement, prin Institutul Cervantes.

Cinci filme de dans, toate premiate în cadrul festivalului de la Madrid, vor ghida publicului într-o călătorie a emoțiilor extreme și a poveștilor cu ramificații multiple.

Mai multe detalii:

#BIDFF2019 invites all dance film lovers to a special meeting with the best films of the Dance Film Festival - FIVER.
The screening takes place on Saturday, September 7, from 4:00 pm, at Linotip - Centru Independent Coregrafic
The film selection is curated by Samuel Retortillo, the artistic director of Fiver International Screendance Movement, through the Cervantes Institute.

Five dance films, all awarded at the Madrid festival, will guide the audience in a journey of extreme emotions and stories with multiple ramifications.

▶Da Mopa - Spain 2017, 3' 40"
Director: María Teresa García
Choreographer: Juan Luis Matilla
Best National Dance Film / Fiver 2018
‘Da Mopa’ is a mainly musical project that faces the dilemma of representation as a danced concert; electronic music, Latin rhythms and musical worms, between comedy, fake and dance, serve as support to develop the themes of songs, ranging from the call to prayer to contemporary critical meta-thinking, highlighting the contradictions of our needs, inherited or acquired.

▶Fuego lento - Taller de danza en un centro de menores -
Spain 2014, 15'17"
Director: Elena Castilla
Documentary Prize / Fiver 2015 Awards
Elena— «In September 2011 I developed with twelve teenagers a choreography workshop at the Center for Children Pedro de Valdivia Villanueva de la Serena, Badajoz». How do you feel? What do you expect? What would you like to do in the future? What do you miss? They were some of the assumptions used for them to create their pieces through choreographic composition exercises.

▶Cracks - Spain 2013, 3'41"
Director & Choreographer: Álex Pachón
National Film Prize / Fiver 2014 Awards
All sound causes movement and all motion produces sound. A character dance music only if dance sounds. The rhythm is conditioned and depends entirely on the movement, body language and vice versa: the movement occurs only when a sound that accompanies it exists.

▶Dance with me, Spain 2015, 5'
Director: Cristina Molino
Choreographer. Samuel Retortillo
Fiver Creation Support
A sweeping story about love and loss; the ups and downs of a relationship in less than 5 minutes.produced by Think Mol & BalletBoyz film for Channel 4 UK in association with Arts Council England.

▶Timecode - Spain 2016, 15'
Director: Juanjo Giménez Peña
Choreographer. Lali Ayguadé
Featured Director Fiver 2020
Luna and Diego are the parking lot security guards. Diego does the night shift, and Luna works by day.
Title: Timecode

▶Memoria del cuerpo - Spain, 2018, 35'
Director: Roberto Menendez
Choreographer. Chevi Muraday, Sol Picó, Carmen Werner,Jon Maya y Daniel Abreu.
Documentary about the world of Contemporary Dance in Spain with five national Dance Awards.

More details:

BIDFF este un proiect cultural organizat de Asociația Tangaj Dance și co-finanțat de Administrația Fondului Cultural Național. Proiectul nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia Administrației Fondului Cultural Național. AFCN nu este responsabilă de conținutul proiectului sau de modul în care rezultatele proiectului pot fi folosite. Acestea sunt în întregime responsabilitatea beneficiarului finanțării.

Proiectul este sprijinit de Centrul Național al Cinematografiei, Conceptual Lab și ADFR - Asociația pentru Dezvoltarea Filmului Românesc și susținut de DHL, Techir și Super - Festivalul de filme făcute de adolescenți.
Ediția a V-a a BIDFF este organizată în parteneriat cu Centrul Național al Dansului București, Arhivele Dansului, Institutul Francez - Cinema Elvira Popesco, Cinema Muzeul Țăranului, Fabrica Gastropub, Institutul Cervantes la București, Apollo 111, LINOTIP - Centru Independent Coregrafic, Fiver International Screendance Movement.
A project organised by the Tangaj Dance Association and co-financed by AFCN - The Administration of The National Cultural Fund. he project does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of The National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or for the way the results of the project can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the financing beneficiary. The project is made with the support of the National Film Fund, Conceptual Lab and ADFR - The Association for the Romanian Film Development, with support from DHL, Techir and Super - Festival of Films made by Teenagers.

The 5th edition of BIDFF is organised in partnership with the National Dance Centre Bucharest, French Instiute - Elvire Popesco Cinema, The Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Fabrica Gastropub, Cervantes Institute in Bucharest, Apollo 111, LINOTIP - Centru Independent Coregrafic, Fiver International Screendance Movement

At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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