Deschiderea: Vincent, patimile unui artist / Opening: Loving Vincent

Anim'est 2017
Deschiderea: Vincent, patimile unui artist / Opening: Loving Vincent Anim'est 2017

Deschiderea: Vincent, patimile unui artist / Opening: Loving Vincent

Anim'est 2017

Loving Vincent aduce pe ecran universul vizual atât de caracteristic al artistului, lucrări care au devenit ale artei moderne și care au schimbat fața artei.

Regizor: Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman
Ţara: Marea Britanie, Polonia


A feature film about the life and mysterious death of Vincent Van Gogh.

Directed: Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman
Country: UK, Poland

At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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