20 Oct 2024

Decernare premii +  proiecție Four Daughters Bucharest Feminist Film Festival
20 Oct 2024 20:00
Decernare premii + proiecție Four Daughters
Bucharest Feminist Film Festival

France, Tunisia, Germany, Saudi Arabia, 2023, 94' O poveste intimă despre speranță, răzvrătire, violență și suroritate se conturează odată ce două dintre cele patru fiice ale Olfăi, o femeie tunisiană, dispar. Dispariția acestora pune sub semnul întrebării principiile societății și ne invită să reflectăm la propria libertate.

Cinema Muzeul Țăranului - Studioul Horia Bernea, București
Decernare premii + proiecție Four Daughters
Bucharest Feminist Film Festival
Cinema Muzeul Țăranului - Studioul Horia Bernea, București
price: 25 lei (tarif întreg)
+ taxes
price: 12.5 lei (tarif redus elev/student)
+ taxes

4 Nov 2024

To The Lighthouse Sonoro Festival
4 Nov 2024 19:30
To The Lighthouse
Sonoro Festival

Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918) – Première rhapsodie pentru clarinet și pian  Samuel Barber (1910 - 1981) – Dover Beach pentru bariton și cvartet de coarde, după un poem de Matthew Arnold  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) – Divertimento în Fa major, KV 138 Allegro Andante Presto  Richard Wagner (1813 - 1883) – Die Frist ist um din Olandezul zburător —— Ethel Smyth (1858 - 1944) – După apus din „Three moods of the Sea” pentru bas-bariton și pian Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918) – Beau Soir pentru bas-bariton și pian, L....See more details

MNAR - Sufrageria Regală, București
To The Lighthouse
Sonoro Festival
MNAR - Sufrageria Regală, București
130 lei

14 Nov 2024

To The Lighthouse Sonoro Festival
14 Nov 2024 19:30
To The Lighthouse
Sonoro Festival

Ralph Vaughan-Williams (1872 - 1958) – Six Studies in English Folk Song (Șase studii despre cântecul popular englez) pentru violoncel și pian Adagio „Lovely on the water” Andante sostenuto „Spurn Point” Larghetto „Van Dieman's Land” Lento „She borrowed some of her mother's gold” Andante tranquillo „The lady and the dragon” Allegro vivace „As I walked over London Bridge” Charles Ives (1874 - 1954) – Feldeinsamkeit (Singurătatea câmpului) din Cântece pentru vioară și pian Rebecca Clarke (1886 - 1979) – Sonata pentru violă și pian Impetuoso - ma non troppo allegro Vivace Adagio — Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918) – Sonata pentru vioară și pian L....See more details

Biserica Pietati - Evanghelică-Lutherană, Cluj-Napoca
To The Lighthouse
Sonoro Festival
Biserica Pietati - Evanghelică-Lutherană, Cluj-Napoca
price: 80 lei

11 Oct 2024

Competition 8 Animest.19
11 Oct 2024 19:00
Competition 8 14+

49 385 - Poland 2023, 8’00, dir. Helena Stańczyk Shoes and Hooves - Hungary 2024, 14’53, dir. Viktória Traub Riot Dolls - France 2023, 6’57, dir. Daria Skripka, Poornima Subramaniam, Mrunal Khairnar, Lwazi Msipha, Hassan Yola Yuck! - France 2024, 13’00, dir. Loïc Espuche Muscle Man in: Metal Mayhem - Belgium 2023, 8’21, dir....See more details

Cinemateca Eforie, București
Competition 8
Cinemateca Eforie, București
price: 25 lei

7 Oct 2024

That's What She Said Animest.19
7 Oct 2024 19:00
That's What She Said 14+

short films AFN 75', 14+ Above the Clouds, Hungary, 2022, 14’, dir. Vivien Hárshegyi Mariupol. A Hundred Nights - Ukraine, Germany, 2023, 7’, dir. Sofiia Melnyk Her Dress for the Final - Croatia, 2023, 9’, dir. Martina Meštrović The Family Portrait - Croatia, France, Serbia, 2023, 15’, dir....See more details

Cinemateca Eforie, București
That's What She Said
Cinemateca Eforie, București
price: 25 lei

10 Oct 2024

Competition 5 Animest.19
10 Oct 2024 17:00
Competition 5 14+

A Border Guard and His Dog - Spain, Poland 2024, 3’00, dir. Pablo Ballarín Poppy Flowers - Estonia 2024, 4’24, dir. Evridiki Papaiakovou A Night at the Rest Area - Japan 2024, 11’34, dir. Saki Muramoto Next? - France, Belgium 2024, 9’00, dir. Christel Guibert In Loving Memories - UK 2023, 7’42, dir....See more details

Cinemateca Eforie, București
Competition 5
Cinemateca Eforie, București
price: 25 lei

12 Oct 2024

Minimest 3 Animest.19
12 Oct 2024 10:00
Minimest 3 6+

English and Romanian subtitles, and live dubbing in Romanian. Short films for children in the Minimest competition of Animest Film Festival, the best films for children made in 2023 and 2024. Hello Summer – Slovakia, Czech Rep., France 2024, 10’45, dir. Martin Smatana, Veronika Zacharova Forever Seven – Germany 2024, 9’26, dir....See more details

Cinema Elvire Popesco, București

6 Dec 2024

ctrl: DVS1
6 Dec 2024 23:00
ctrl: DVS1

DVS1's standing as one of the globe's most admired DJs and a leading advocate for the true essence of club culture is grounded in his profound love for music, respect for the art, and experiences in the '90s Midwestern American rave scene. Born in 1976 in St. Petersburg, Russia, Zak Khutoretsky later relocated to the USA, alternating between New York City and Minneapolis....See more details

Club Control, București
ctrl: DVS1
Club Control, București
price: 30 lei (presale)

11 Oct 2024

Creepy Animation Night Animest.19
11 Oct 2024 23:00
Creepy Animation Night 18+

Anthill - Norway 2024, 10’37, Director/Regia: William Holten Are You There Mr. Wolf? – France 2023, 6’39 Autophagy – UK 2024, 11’04, Director/Regia: Edie Lawrence Before Dying, the Wendigo's Shadow – Spain 2024, 9’, Director/Regia: Alvar Vielsa Bunnyhood - UK 2024, 9’08, Director/Regia: Mansi Maheshwari Cases of Sergeant Goodmind - Czech Rep 2024, 6’45, Director/Regia: Filip Tatyrek Death’s Intern - Norway 2024, 14’42, Director/Regia: Peter A....See more details

Sala Luceafărul, București
Creepy Animation Night
Sala Luceafărul, București
price: 90 lei

29 Oct 2024

ctrl LIVE: The Toasters & Dead Ceausescus
29 Oct 2024 20:00
ctrl LIVE: The Toasters & Dead Ceausescus

The legendary NYC ska band The Toasters is coming to Control on October 29th. Opening up for them is Romanian punk band Dead Ceausescus. In their 43rd year the Toasters are hitting the gas, not the brakes. The Toasters are "Ska Pioneers" (Billboard magazine) and boldly go where no ska band has gone before....See more details

Club Control, București
ctrl LIVE: The Toasters & Dead Ceausescus
Club Control, București
price: 60 lei (presale)