Mixed Cast #3 - Be Water, My Friend! #3//Phil Lunn - Phil Lunn Is…

Mixed Cast #3 - Be Water, My Friend! #3//Phil Lunn - Phil Lunn Is… NEVERENDING - International ImpROv Festival

Mixed Cast #3 - Be Water, My Friend! #3//Phil Lunn - Phil Lunn Is…

NEVERENDING - International ImpROv Festival

Mixed Cast #3 - Be Water, My Friend! #3

This show is what happens when you put many improvisers from all over the world together and have them play a show. The only thing we know is that the show will "Be Water, My Friend!".

Phil Lunn - Phil Lunn Is…

“Phil Lunn Is…” is a solo, character-based, musical performance. I play the part of a female cabaret singer. The audience provide the singer's name. She enters, and sits by the piano. She talks to the audience about her life and career. She sings songs inspired by the audience’s ideas, and looks back over her life. We discover all about this person, her career successes, and her personal highs and lows. Everything is improvised–the lyrics, the music, the conversation, the character's personality.

Distributie: Phil Lunn

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