Vertical Ego + Abrupt // I-auzi Una

Vertical Ego + Abrupt // I-auzi Una

Vertical Ego + Abrupt // I-auzi Una

Concert Vertical Ego + Abrupt pe 25 aprilie la I-auzi Una.

Vertical Ego:

Vertical Ego (Vert/Ego) is a Romanian alternative rock band from Cluj-Napoca and they are active in this current formula since September 2022. Their music can’t be included in just one genre; they are continuously exploring and have no limits, but if a description is needed, their sound and lyrics are mostly melodramatic and sincere. The compositions are inspired from their day-to-day life, with all their emotions, stories and experiences.

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Abrupt is a rock band from Cluj Napoca, founded in the summer of 2023 by Vlad Onija (guitar,vocals), Robert Dobai (bass) and Claudiu Stan (drums).

Currently, their style consists in mostly rock tones with a jazz-blues influence.

The band impresses with their complex rhythmic qualities, melodic solos and sudden interruptions. Thus, creating a unique and interesting audible experience, certainly not heard before within the country’s music scene.

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At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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