Reverend Beat-Man

Reverend Beat-Man

Reverend Beat-Man

Here is a concert for all the punk-blues freaks out there! 

Reverend Beat-Man comes to play live in Control on September 16. With a perfect mix of blues, punk and rock'n'roll, the Reverend is a preacher in the church of young and grown up freaks. 

With a long musical career spanning over decades, Beat-Man started his journey in 1986 with his band The Monsters, then Formed Lightning Beat-Man One Man Band and changed his name in 1999 to Reverend Beat-Man.

He is touring around the globe like a maniac, touching down in Europe, Australia, North and South America, and Japan. He won several national prizes in Switzerland (his homeland) for his work and was nominated for the Swiss Music Prize in 2014.

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