Greetings sugar - Album Launch "Where did all the wise men go"

Greetings sugar  - Album Launch  "Where did all the wise men go"

Greetings sugar - Album Launch "Where did all the wise men go"

Greetings sugar isi lanseaza albumul de debut, "Where did all the wise men go", mergand pe mana lui Lydia Lunch, producatorul albumului, Alexander Hacke (Einsturzende Neubauten) si Billy Gould (Faith No More), cei care au mixat albumul.

Trupa va canta pe scena Control si cei care cumpara bilete vor primi albumul pe CD gratuit!

Albumul Where did all the wise men go a fost produs de Lydia Lunch, Spoken word artist legendar din Brooklyn cu colabori in spate cu Nick Cave sau Omar Rodriguez Lopez. Albumul a fost mixat in Berlin de Alexander Hacke, membru fondator a formatiei de cult Einsturzende Neubauten. Melodia Faulty Fields a fost mixat de Billy Gould, basistul si fondatorul formatiei Faith No More. 


Lydia Lunch despre albumul de debut a formatiei: 

"Sweet but not saccharine,

 yet inviting.Perfect music for milking a hangover"

Billy Gould despre Greetings sugar: 

“ I liked Sugar when I first heard it, we share a sense of aesthetic and it’s refreshing to see such a musical approach to songwriting”

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