In the mood for love

In the mood for love Animest.17

In the mood for love 16+


O colecție de povești de dragoste animate, reunite sub numele unei piese muzicale celebre.

A collection of animated love stories, with a famous love song which gives the title of each selection.

Aube – France 2022, 4’, dir. Vincent Gibaud

Deep Water – Ukraine 202,0, 6’, dir. Anna Dudko

The Sense of Touch – France 2014, 14’40, dir. Jean-Charles Mbotti Malolo

Melting – Portugal 2022, 12’, dir. Susana Miguel Antonio, Filipa Gomez da Costa

Romance – Switzerland 2011, 7’, dir. Georges Schwizgebel

Swimming Pool – Czech Republic 2010, 630, dir. Alexandra Metmerova

The Noise of Licking – Hungary 2016, 9’15, dir. Nadja Andrasev

A Backbone Tale – France 2004, 9’, Jérémy Clapin

În acest moment, nu avem programată nicio reprezentație viitoare.

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