România / 1995 / 82’ / color / Dramă / AG Regia: Stere Gulea Scenariul: Stere Gulea, Eugen Uricaru Cu: Oana Pellea, Răzvan Vasilescu, Mircea Rusu, Dan Condurache, Mara Grigore Produs de: Cinerom, Studioul de film al Ministerului Culturii În noaptea de 21 decembrie 1989, o femeie este martoră la asasinarea unor tineri în spitalul în care lucrează....See more details
WatchMomentum by Real Estate UNITED este evenimentul unde vom explora în profunzime tehnici și abilități esențiale de care orice profesionist de succes din domeniul imobiliar are nevoie. Pentru a asigura o experiență de neuitat, am adunat o echipă stelară de traineri....See more details
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The main objective of the “Enter The Flux” workshop is to enhance the body and therefore its movement capacity through cognitive and intuitive processes. Inspired by different expressive domains such as Martial Arts, Theatre, Poetry, Capoeira, Urban Dance and Contemporary Dance, we will try to understand and use the body in as many ways as possible in order to acces the Flux....See more details
21, 28 Februarie - 20:00 - 22:00
22, 23 Februarie, 1, 2 Martie - 09:30 - 11:30
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The main objective of the “Enter The Flux” workshop is to enhance the body and therefore its movement capacity through cognitive and intuitive processes. Inspired by different expressive domains such as Martial Arts, Theatre, Poetry, Capoeira, Urban Dance and Contemporary Dance, we will try to understand and use the body in as many ways as possible in order to acces the Flux....See more details
21, 28 Martie - 20:00 - 22:00
22, 23, 29, 30 Martie - 09:30 - 11:30