I feel rather unwell.

I feel rather unwell.

I feel rather unwell.

with Cristiana Bândilă, Cătălin Filip and Casian Ulici
by Jasmina Cloșcă

70 minutes



"I feel rather unwell." proposes a categorization of the different existing forms of self-sabotage through (self-)deception. Assuming the discourse of the inner voice - which becomes moralizing when things go wrong - the performance focuses on the internal confusion produced by the distortion of perception through denial/ manipulation/ minimization/ hypocrisy - repeating over and over again the same two questions: is it unclear? Why?
Performance within the project "Noi și orașul" - a program run by Asociația Reactor de creație și experiment, which aims to familiarize the Cluj public with independent initiatives. We invite you to follow the Instagram page @noisiorasul instagram.com/noisiorasul/ to find out more about the independent theater in Cluj and the people behind it.
Cultural project co-financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the program or how the results of the program can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the grantee.

At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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