JFDR live at Bucharest Photofest 2018

JFDR live at Bucharest Photofest 2018

JFDR live at Bucharest Photofest 2018

Ediția din 2018 a festivalului Bucharest Photofest este dedicată naturii, iar focusul va fi, binemeritat, pe Islanda - țara invitată special a ediției din acest an.

În 2018 vom aduce la București nume mari din fotografia internațională.

Pe 13 octombrie, la H III, va urca pe scenă JFDR (cel mai recent proiect al artistei islandeze Jófríður Ákadóttir), pentru a doua oară în România.

JFDR, cel mai recent proiect al artistei islandeze Jófríður Ákadóttir, reprezintă un amestec ce combină părți ciclice de chitară, cu un sunet poetic al unei călătorii care se termină acolo unde a început. Având experiență în stilurile de muzică clasică, electronică și folclor islandez, JFDR vine cu un amalgam de sunete specifice fiecărui anotimp, iar vocea sa alunecă precum un curent care calmează și cele mai zbuciumate ape. JFDR surprinde cel mai mult prin calitatea sa de om iscusit în arta cuvintelor, folosindu-se de o bogată imaginație pentru a evoca emoții subtile, ce sunt transpuse în fiecare cântec al său. Primul album JFDR, co-produs de legendarul multi instrumentalist Shahzad Ismaily, a fost lansat in martie 2017.

Opening act: Ana Coman

Pe Ana Coman o știți de la Radio Guerrilla, unde, săptămânal, în rubrica “Ana are cântec” din Guerrilla LogOut, reinterpretează câte o piesă.

Stă cu chitară în brațe încă din adolescență, iar prin perioada liceului cânta cover-uri. Acum 3 ani a apărut pentru prima dată pe o scenă. 


Biletele se găsesc la prețul de 30 RON (în avans), iar la intrare se vor găsi la prețul de 40 RON (în limita locurilor disponibile). 

#LetsGetVisual #BucharestPhotofest #BPF2018





The 2018's edition of the Bucharest Photofest is dedicated to nature, and the focus will be well-earned on Iceland - the country's special guest of this year's edition.
In 2018 we will bring to Bucharest very large names from the international photography.

On October 13, at H III, JFD (the latest project by the Icelandic artist Jófríður Ákadóttir) will be on stage for the second time in Romania.

JFDR is a blend of cyclical guitar parts, soft minimal soundscapes, and poetic wonderings of a journey that ends where it began. Drawing from classical, folk, and electronic backgrounds, JFDR amalgamates the sounds of changing seasons, her voice a current that moves through rough seas to smooth waters. But perhaps JFDR shines the most in her capacity as a wordsmith, employing rich imagery to evoke the subtle emotions embedded in each song. Her first full length album, co-produced by legendary multi-instrumentalist Shahzad Ismaily, was released in March 2017.

“I got obsessed with her band Samaris a few years ago,” says Björk, “and then it was amazing to see her do her own stuff. She’s surrounded herself with a really authentic community of friends. There are probably about 150 musicians in Reykjavik, and groups there sort of become the opposite of each other, like, ‘Oh, that singer’s dressed like that, I better dress the opposite.’ Such is the tight-knit scene in Iceland, she continues, that “you naturally develop individuality. Also, you’ll be in a classical band and an electronic band and a metal band, and that’s okay. Everything blurs into each other, which I’m sure you can hear in Icelandic music.” 
Björk, The Guardian 'Björk On Her Inspirations'



Opening act: Ana Coman

You know Ana Coman from Radio Guerrilla, where, weekly, in the "Ana's Song" section of Guerrilla LogOut, he reinterprets songs.

She has been sitting with her guitar since her adolescence, and during the high school she sang covers. 3 years ago she first appeared on stage.


Tickets can be found on Eventbook at the price of 30 RON (in advance), and at the entrance at the price of 40 RON (within the limits of available seats).

#LetsGetVisual #BucharestPhotofest #BPF2018


At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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