Colectivul muzical Al-Qasar (format din muzicieni originari din patru continente), cunoscut pentru mixul de rock psihedelic și muzică orientală, ajunge în premieră în România și va concerta la București – joi, 29 mai, la Control Club, în cadrul DokStation — Music Documentary Film Festival, ediția a 9-a.
Retro-futuristic Arab Psychedelia
Paris-based psych-rockers gather a punky outlaw army from the Middle East to the West Coast
Colectivul Al-Qasar a fost fondat în cartierul Barbès din Paris, în 2015, de către producătorul americano-francez Thomas Attar Bellier. Membrii săi s-au reunit din Europa, Africa de Nord, Orientul Mijlociu și SUA. Lineup-ul de turneu al proiectului îi include pe cântăreața turcă de rock psihedelic Sibel, toboșarul franco-irakian Adrien Al-Aiedy și basistul francez Guillaume Theoden.
Lansat anul trecut, Uncovered, al doilea album al colectivului, abordează cântece din repertoriul pop occidental și din folclorul arab. Culturile se ciocnesc, iar rezultatele acestei fuziuni sunt piese Depeche Mode cântate în turcă, Sean Paul în arabă, dar și legende ale muzicii orientale (Hamza El Din, Wadih El Safi) a căror muzică este reinterpretată cu mijloace occidentale.
Produs între Tunis, Lisabona, Los Angeles, Londra și Paris, Uncovered spune povestea unei lumi în schimbare, cu rădăcini adânci în trecut, dar bine ancorată în prezent. Un mix de muzică arabă retro-futuristă, rock psihedelic american, ritmuri orientale și trance nord-african, care ilustrează viziunea trupei despre justiție socială și diversitate culturală.
În ultimii ani, trupa a concertat pe cinci continente și a urcat pe scenele unor festivaluri majore precum Pukkelpop, Lowlands, Sziget, Reeperbahn și WOMAD, colaborând cu legende rock’n’roll precum Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth) și Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedys).
“Al-Qasar whip up a globalized psych-rock storm on this gutsy debut (...) A potent racket with gusto, passion, and outlaw swagger.”
Uncut Magazine
“That’s pretty bitchin”
Iggy Pop on BBC6 Radio (Iggy Confidential)
“A very good album (...) Al-Qasar pull off the trick of making the most comfortable listener feel like they’re front and center in a moment of insurgency”
The Wire
Al-Qasar - Kişisel İsa (Personal Jesus) ft. Sibel (video) :
Al-Qasar - Awal ft. Lee Ranaldo (video) :
Nu-i rata pe Al-Qasar în concert pentru prima data la București – joi, 29 mai, la Control Club, în cadrul unui eveniment memorabil marca DokStation.
DokStation presents: AL-QASAR (FR/MAR/US) live
Middle Eastern psych-rock collective Al-Qasar will perform for the first time in Romania – Thursday, May 29, at Control Club, Bucharest, as part of the 9th edition of DokStation — Music Documentary Film Festival.
Retro-futuristic Arab Psychedelia
Paris-based psych-rockers gather a punky outlaw army from the Middle East to the West Coast
Al-Qasar was started in the Barbès neighborhood of Paris in 2015 by US-French producer Thomas Attar Bellier. The musicians came together, from Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and the US. The core touring lineup of the project includes Turkish psychedelic rock singer Sibel, Iraqi-French drummer Adrien Al-Aiedy and French bassist Guillaume Theoden.
UNCOVERED (second album by the collective), tackles songs from the Western pop to the Arab folk repertoires. Cultures collide, and the result of this fission is Depeche Mode sung in Turkish, Sean Paul in Arabic, Nubian legend Hamza El Din with fuzz guitars and iconic Lebanese composer Wadih El Safi through space echo.
Produced between Tunis, Lisbon, Los Angeles, London, and Paris, UNCOVERED tells the story of a world in flux, its ancestors deep in the past but its eyes set on the zeitgeist. It’s retro-futurist Arab psychedelia with a foot in the Mojave and the other in the Sahara, also sounds like an explosive mix of Middle Eastern grooves, American heavy psychedelia and North African trance.
Al-Qasar’s music never wavers, pulling from the hypnotic roots of North African trance and threading it into a fabric with the elaborate beauty of Arab scales and the shock and thrill of rock’n’roll.
On Al-Qasar’s performances, bass, drums and percussion create an irresistible groove, while electric saz and guitars build a wailing wall above, with ecstatic Arabic vocals inspired by history as it strides into the future. Like a psychedelic celebration on the dancefloor, it bristles with the kind of deep energy that makes Al-Qasar sound like the world’s most dangerous wedding band.
In the past years, the band performed on 5 continents and at major festivals such as Pukkelpop, Lowlands, Sziget, Reeperbahn, and WOMADs and collaborated with rock’n’roll legends Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth) and Jello Biafra (DeadKennedys).
Join them on their world tour as they bring their vision of social justice and cultural diversity to the stage.
“Al-Qasar whip up a globalized psych-rock storm on this gutsy debut (...) A potent racket with gusto, passion, and outlaw swagger.”
Uncut Magazine
“That’s pretty bitchin”
Iggy Pop on BBC6 Radio (Iggy Confidential)
“A very good album (...) Al-Qasar pull off the trick of making the most comfortable listener feel like they’re front and center in a moment of insurgency”
The Wire
When continents collide, they make a thunderous sound. Arabian fuzz, they term it, a vision that’s brazenly electric and deeply connected to its roots.
Al-Qasar - Kişisel İsa (Personal Jesus) ft. Sibel (video) :
Al-Qasar - Awal ft. Lee Ranaldo (video) :
75 lei (presale)