[ANULAT] Vodka Juniors, EMIL, Pistol Cu Capse, Satellites

[ANULAT] Vodka Juniors, EMIL, Pistol Cu Capse, Satellites Concert

[ANULAT] Vodka Juniors, EMIL, Pistol Cu Capse, Satellites


Eveniment anulat din cauza problemelor de sănătate ale unuia dintre membrii trupei. Toți cumpărătorii de bilete vor fi informați despre returnarea contravalorii de bilete în cursul zilei de 13 martie. 

“…When everything’s going wrong, everything around you seems like a movie you can’t relate to, you feel tired of everything and you ‘re at the bottom of the shit and everyone keeps pushing you, there comes a moment of clarity in your mind that you pick up the guitar and write a song about it. 

Then it feels a bit better. Then you put out the record and people get the songs and then comes a time you’re playing live and as you scream the words of that song there is a boy or a girl right in front of you that screams the same words as if it was his song. And then you realize you’re not alone… Nothing can ever beat that feeling… We wish we could play everyday…” Vodka Juniors


30 de lei primele 200 de bilete - presale
40 de lei următoarele 200 de bilete - preț normal
50 de lei după epuizarea primelor 400 de bilete și la intrare.

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