"One shot, one opportunity"
NISTE BAIETI "One shot, one opportunity"


"One shot, one opportunity"

Palalila 4 Life Production prezinta:
NISTE BAIETI (romanians punk-rock shlagars)
"One shot, one opportunity" - mai exact, singurul concert de anul acesta
vineri, 7 septembrie, orele 21:00, club Fabrica (str. 11 iunie, nr 50)
Invitati speciali: Just Another Lie (ska-punk, Bucuresti)
pret bilet online: 30 lei
pret bilet la intrare: 40 lei
Afterparty pana in zori: Forever Young 80's Party cu DJ Theutu (il stiti voi....ala cu batic in cap). - la afterparty intrarea este libera.

At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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