Premieră națională
Regie: Thomas Boujut / FR / 2024 / 60min
Distribuție: Bruce Springsteen, Barack Obama, Prince, Michael Jackson, Sean Penn
O retrospectivă a carierei îndrăgitului star rock american Bruce Springsteen, adorat de mai multe generații de fani din lumea întreagă.
De la copilăria petrecută în New Jersey, într-o familie modestă, și până la statutul de rock star, recunoscut internațional, Bruce Springsteen rămâne un personaj învăluit în mister, adesea o victimă a propriului său succes. Fidel și loial sunt atributele care-l descriu cel mai bine pe rocker, atât în relația cu trupa sa, The E Street Band, cât și cu publicul său.
Prin versurile sale evocatoare, Springsteen, care se declară influențat de John Steinbeck, Terrence Malick și Robert De Niro, depășește limitele muzicii rock, devenind o figură emblematică în cultura americană.
Looking back through archives on the extraordinary journey of a rock giant. A singer adored by multiple generations of fans who never ceased to question his icon status and America.
World famous and cherished, idolised by several generations of fans, Bruce Springsteen still conceals many secrets, and remains sometimes the victim of his own success. This success he has always dreamed of, but which sometimes leaves the true Bruce and his roughness in the shadows, allowing solely glimpses of the rock star.
Springing from a humble childhood in New Jersey, Bruce Springsteen becomes a global rock icon. Despite his fame, he remains a man shrouded in mystery and at times a victim of his own success. Balancing between a desire for celebrity and a need for intimacy, he grapples with contradictions and frequently challenges his icon status. Fidelity best defines Springsteen, as his loyalty to his band, The E Street Band, and his unwavering fans is unwavering.
Through his evocative writing, Springsteen transcends the boundaries of rock to become an emblematic figure of American culture, influenced by artists such as John Steinbeck, Terrence Malick, and Robert De Niro. Our film delves into Springsteen's body of work, revealing a man whose music embodies the soul of a nation.