5 Oct 2024

ctrl 16: Miley Serious, Faust, Ihmai Isuav, Dragoș Rusu
5 Oct 2024 23:00
ctrl 16: Miley Serious, Faust, Ihmai Isuav, Dragoș Rusu

Control 16 year anniversary celebration series ends with Miley Serious, a French-born, USA-based DJ. Her sounds will be spiced with Faust’s fusion of eclectic grooves. Room 2 comes with a more experimental alternative, entranced by the sounds of Ihmai Isuav and Dragoș Rusu. Known for her unique ability to blend electronic and punk influences from the underground scenes of Paris and New York City, Miley Serious seamlessly fuses bass, breaks, drum'n'bass, and experimental electronic beats into her sets....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
ctrl 16: Miley Serious, Faust, Ihmai Isuav, Dragoș Rusu
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 30 lei (presale)

16 Dec 2024

Maruja (UK) | Live at Control Club
16 Dec 2024 20:00
Maruja (UK) | Live at Control Club

Manchester-based psychedelic jazz-punks Maruja, known for their electrifying live shows, will perform for the first time in Bucharest at the end of this year – December 16 at Control Club. Tickets are now available via Eventbook. Artists in the truest sense of the word, Maruja’s ferocious combination of punk, harsh noise, and transcendent cosmic jazz is fast marking them out as one of the most exciting new acts in the UK....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
Maruja (UK) | Live at Control Club
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 60 lei (presale)

21 Dec 2024

What Are People For? | Live at Control Club
21 Dec 2024 21:00
What Are People For? | Live at Control Club

German indie pop project What Are People For?, known for their irresistible groove and absurdist dry humour, will perform for the first time in Bucharest – December 21 at Control Club. Tickets are now available via Eventbook. What Are People For? make the perfect kind of dystopic dance music for our times....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
What Are People For? | Live at Control Club
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 40 lei (presale)

11 Oct 2024

ctrl: ¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U
11 Oct 2024 23:00
ctrl: ¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U 18+

Versatility does not even come close to describing why the Japanese DJ ¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U is considered one of the world's best by many of his peers. Your favorite DJ’s favorite DJ, Yukimatsu is originally from Osaka – where he ran his Zone Unknown parties – but is now based in Tokyo....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
ctrl: ¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 30 lei (presale)

19 Sep 2024

Free Party: A Folk History DokStation
19 Sep 2024 20:30
Free Party: A Folk History

Regie: Aaron Trinder / UK / 2023 / 1h47min Distribuție: Pete Birch, Rick Down, Harry Harrison, Grace Sands Realizat independent, documentarul Free Party: A Folk History urmărește apariția curentului free party din Marea Britanie, la finalul anilor ’80 și începutul anilor ’90, precum și impactul acestuia în prezent....See more details

Expirat, Bucuresti
Free Party: A Folk History
Expirat, Bucuresti
price: 30 lei

29 Nov 2024

Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld
29 Nov 2024 20:00
Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld

Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld return to Bucharest next year for a live performance – November 29 at Control Club. A unique collaboration between the italian composer Teho Teardo and Blixa Bargeld, leader of Einstürzende Neubauten, in a one of a kind show, not to be missed. * Presale: 95 RON (first 50 tickets) / 120 RON (next 150 tickets)....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 145 lei

28 Nov 2024

Psych Kicks: Bo Ningen
28 Nov 2024 20:00
Psych Kicks: Bo Ningen

Japanese alternative rockers Bo Ningen will perform for the first time in Bucharest – November 28 at Control Club – as part of Psych Kicks, a two-day psych-rock extravaganza. Day tickets + a limited number of combo tickets are now available via Eventbook. Meaning ‘Stick Man’ in Japanese, Bo Ningen are a London-based four-piece alternative rock band consisting of Taigen Kawabe (bass/ vocals), Yuki Tsujii (guitar), Kohhei Matsuda (guitar/keys) and Monchan Monna (drums)....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
Psych Kicks: Bo Ningen
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 75 lei (presale)

25 Oct 2024

Zimmerman (BE)
25 Oct 2024 20:00
Zimmerman (BE)

Belgian dream pop-rock act Zimmerman, the new musical endeavour by Balthazar bassist Simon Casier, will perform in Bucharest this fall – October 25 at Control Club. Tickets are now available via Eventbook.ro. Making the most romantic record of the twenty-first century – that was the plan that Belgian singer-songwriter Simon Casier (better known as the bass player of acclaimed rock band Balthazar) had in mind....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
Zimmerman (BE)
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 70 lei (presale)

27 Nov 2024

Psych Kicks: Mother's Cake
27 Nov 2024 20:00
Psych Kicks: Mother's Cake

Austrian psych-rock trio Mother’s Cake will perform for the first time in Bucharest – November 27 at Control Club – as part of Psych Kicks, a two-day psych-rock extravaganza. Day tickets + a limited number of combo tickets are now available via Eventbook. The career trajectory of Austrian psych-rock trio Mother’s Cake has seen them play hundreds of concerts from Manchester to Melbourne and Mumbai, including shows with Wolfmother, Iggy & The Stooges, Omar Rodriguez-López, Alice In Chains and Limp Bizkit....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
Psych Kicks: Mother's Cake
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 65 lei (presale)

disponibil 72h de la achiziționarea biletului

disponibil 72h de la achiziționarea biletului
Cinemateca Online

SOCIOLOGI DOCUMENTARIȘTI: FILMELE LUI HENRI H. STAHL România / 1932-1936 / 102’ / a/n / Documentare sociologice / AG / Versiune digitalizată de Arhiva Națională de Filme Programul cuprinde două mediu-metraje documentare realizate în anii '30 de cercetători ai vremii în cadrul campaniilor monografice ale Școlii Sociologice de la București, care s-au desfășurat din 1925 până în 1936 în câteva sate de pe teritoriul României de la acea vreme, ca parte dintr-un proiect cu ambiții exhaustive de investigare a lumii rurale românești și de intervenție socială coordonat de Dimitrie Gusti....See more details

Cinemateca Online
price: 12 lei
Pentru spectacolele online, comenzile sunt limitate la un singur bilet per adresă de email, întrucât pentru vizualizarea streamului fiecare cumpărător trebuie să fie logat în contul Eventbook cu care a făcut achiziția biletului. Vizualizarea se poate face exclusiv pe teritoriul României.