The Advanced Financial Digital Training

Offered by The OneLife Captain KING JAYMS
The Advanced Financial Digital Training Offered by The OneLife Captain KING JAYMS

The Advanced Financial Digital Training

Offered by The OneLife Captain KING JAYMS

Categoria 1 - 199 € (valoare 400 €)

- 7 ore de pregătire intensa si avansata despre istoria finantelor. Aceasta include: originea banilor, ce este banul, unde sunt banii acum, ce este moneda fiat și multe altele. Profitați de acest training special oferit de către nimeni altul decâtliderul de top, King Jayms.

Categoria 1 - 20 de șanse pentru Lucky Draw -199 Euro + 4,70 ONE

Categoria 2 - 99 € (valoare 200 €)

- 4 ore de pregătire intensă, care te ajuta sa patrunzi dincolo lumea iluzorie a monedei fiat, oferite de către OneLife Captain, King Jayms.

Categoria 2 - 6 șanse pentru Lucky Draw - 99 de euro + 2,34 ONE.

Categoria 3 - 49 € (valoare 100 €)

- 2 ore de pregătire financiară intensă, despre Adevărului din spatele banilor, doar vârful aisbergului, oferite de către liderul de vârf al rețelei OneLife, King Jayms.

Categoria 3 - 2 șanse pentru Lucky Draw - 49 euro + 1,16 ONE

Category 1 - 199 € (Value 400€)- 7 hours of the most intense financial history training on advanced topics. This includes: the origin of money, what is money, where is money now, what is currency and much more.Take advantage of this special training by none other than the top leader, King Jayms. -1st category is 399 Euros, full price, with 20 chances for the lucky draw - 199 Euros + 4.70 ONE

Category 2 - 99 € (Value 200 €)

- 4 hours of intense training, the Advanced Financial Digital Training, dives deeper into the world of Lies that started this Fiat Bubble we live it, by the OneLife Captain, King Jayms.- 2nd category is 199 Euros, full price, with 6 chances for the lucky draw - 99 Euros + 2.34 ONE

Category 3 Training - 49 € (Value 100 €)

- 2 hour intense, advanced Financial training on the Hidden Truth about money, just the tip of the iceberg by the top leader of this OneLife network, Mr. King Jayms.- 3rd category is 99 Euros, full price, with 2 chances for the lucky draw - 49 Euros + 1.16 ONE

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