Animate the love - The night of loving animation

Animate the love - The night of loving animation Animest.17

Animate the love - The night of loving animation 16+


Tale about the Cat and the Moon - Pedro Serrazina – 5’

Swimming Pool - Alexandra Metmerova - 2010  - 6’30

Tram – Michaela Pavlatova – 2011 – 7’

L'Heure de l'ours – Agnès Patron – 13’50

Pixel Joy – Florentine Grelier – 2012 – 2’

Un Jour – M.Paccou - 4’

Symbiosis – Nadja Andrasev – 2019 – 12’50

A Love letter to the one I made Up – Rachel Gutgarts – 2017 – 6’05

Deep Water – Anna Dudko – 2020 - 6’

Amok – Balasz Turai – 14’

Melting – Susana Miguel Antonio et Filipa Gomez da Costa – 2022 – 12'

Matières à rêver – Florence Miailhe – 2009 – 6’

Simbiosis carnal – Rocio Alvarez - 2017 - 10’

Ivan's need  - V.L.Montano, M.Leuenberger, L.Suter - 6’

Tongue – Kaho Yoshida – 2022 - 2’

Good Night every buds! - 5'

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