r: Vittorio De Sica | 1952 | Dramă | Italia | 91' | AP12 Cu: Maria-Pia Casilio, Lamberto Maggiorani Sinopsis: Plasat în perioada de redresare economic în Italia postbelică, filmul urmărește un bărbat în vârstă care trăiește singur cu câinele său și care se străduiește să facă față greutăților vieții, încercând în același timp să-și păstreze demnitatea....See more details
r: Luchino Visconti | 1943 | Crimă, Dramă, Film noir | Italia | 140' | AP12 Cu: Clara Calamai, Massimo Girotti Sinopsis: Gino, un vagabond tânăr și chipeș, se oprește la un mic han de pe marginea drumului condus de Giovanna. Aceasta este nemulțumită de soțul ei mai în vârstă, Bragana, cu care s-a măritat doar pentru bani....See more details
Pe 8 martie, senzaționalul chitarist Maxim Belciug cântă la Sibiu într-un recital extraordinar la Biblioteca ASTRA - Sala Festivă. Cu chitara sa plină de încântări, artistul va transforma Ziua Femeii într-un cadou de neuitat atât pentru doamne, cât și pentru însoțitorii lor....See more details
DITZ are coming to Control on April 7, 2025, with their highly anticipated second album, Never Exhale, set for release in January, 2025. ‘Never Exhale’ is the sound of a band that hasn’t stopped for a breath. DITZ have toured relentlessly since the release of their first album ‘The Great Regression’ and even before that, travelling at least 100 days a year since COVID....See more details
On May 10 2025, Black Rhino Radio celebrates its 4-year anniversary, and comes in great style and fashion. The first artists to be announced is the French dub master O.B.F with the Spanish MC Sr. Willson. As this is the first name to be announced watch watch for Black Rhino new announcement and they will take over both rooms of Control club....See more details
Cred Că Sunt Extraterestru (CCSE) returns to Control for a special album launch event on March 6, unveiling their latest release, NEUROPA. Known for pushing boundaries and blending hip-hop, electronic, rock, and live instrumentation, CCSE delivers a raw and immersive sonic experience that challenges conventions and resonates deeply with fans....See more details
Belgian dream pop-rock act Zimmerman, the new musical endeavour by Balthazar bassist Simon Casier, will perform in Bucharest this fall – April 5 at Control Club. Tickets are now available via Eventbook.ro. Making the most romantic record of the twenty-first century – that was the plan that Belgian singer-songwriter Simon Casier (better known as the bass player of acclaimed rock band Balthazar) had in mind....See more details
Straight from the heart of the Ukrainian techno scene, Daria Kolosova has been tearing up dancefloors for over a decade with her diverse and hard-hitting sets. We’re happy to announce she will be playing Control on March 1 this year. Behind the decks, Daria delivers more than just a selection of tracks; they're a narrative told through music....See more details
This is one for the books. On Thursday, February 20, ctrl teams up with none other than TekLife to bring you the best of the best in juke: DJ Spinn, Loefah and Traxman. DJ Spinn has been a staple in footwork circles since the late ‘90s, and regular DJ at house parties throughout Chicago....See more details
R a u l K u s a k - O r g a n i c T r i o - concert in premiera Cu sunetul si groove-ul molipsitor al lui Organic Trio, muzica stelară și compozițiile convingătoare, acest trio va impresiona si surprinde publicul inca de la prima aparitie....See more details