3 Oct 2024

Femeie, mai incet cu inteligenta - C4Company (Timisoara, Romania) Festival de teatru circ
Femeie, mai incet cu inteligenta - C4Company (Timisoara, Romania)
Festival de teatru circ
Holul Mare al Casei Sindicatelor, Arad
price: 30 lei

4 Oct 2024

Aigua - Xa Teatre (Valencia, Spania) Festival de teatru circ
4 Oct 2024 19:00
Aigua - Xa Teatre (Valencia, Spania)
Festival de teatru circ
Holul Mare al Casei Sindicatelor, Arad
price: 30 lei

5 Oct 2024

El Dorado – Nicanor de Elia (Toulouse, Franta) Festival de teatru circ
El Dorado – Nicanor de Elia (Toulouse, Franta)
Festival de teatru circ
Holul Mare al Casei Sindicatelor, Arad
price: 30 lei

28 Sep 2024

ctrl: Odyssey Sessions w/ Dom & Roland
28 Sep 2024 23:00
ctrl: Odyssey Sessions w/ Dom & Roland 18+

Dom & Roland is a major figure in the drum and bass scene, active since the mid-1990s. Born in London, Dom developed a passion for music early on and began producing in his teenage years. He gained recognition with his 1995 debut release on the Moving Shadow label, where tracks like 'Dynamics' and 'The Planets' showcased his dark, cinematic style and complex breakbeats....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
ctrl: Odyssey Sessions w/ Dom & Roland
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 30 lei (presale)

19 Sep 2024

Free Party: A Folk History DokStation
19 Sep 2024 20:30
Free Party: A Folk History

Regie: Aaron Trinder / UK / 2023 / 1h47min Distribuție: Pete Birch, Rick Down, Harry Harrison, Grace Sands Realizat independent, documentarul Free Party: A Folk History urmărește apariția curentului free party din Marea Britanie, la finalul anilor ’80 și începutul anilor ’90, precum și impactul acestuia în prezent....See more details

Expirat, Bucuresti
Free Party: A Folk History
Expirat, Bucuresti
price: 30 lei

21 Sep 2024

Peter Doherty: Stranger In My Own Skin DokStation
21 Sep 2024 20:30
Peter Doherty: Stranger In My Own Skin

Premieră națională Regie: Katia DeVidas / UK & FR / 2023 / 1h35min Distribuție: Peter Doherty Un portret onest și emoționant al rockerului britanic Pete Doherty, documentarul Stranger In My Own Skin vorbește despre momentele de cumpănă din viața artistului, frontman legendar al trupelor The Libertines și Babyshambles, dar în același timp o victimă a dependenței de droguri....See more details

Expirat, Bucuresti
Peter Doherty: Stranger In My Own Skin
Expirat, Bucuresti
price: 30 lei

9 Oct 2024

J Bernardt (BE)
9 Oct 2024 20:00
J Bernardt (BE)

Acclaimed Belgian musician J Bernardt, best known as one half of the singer-songwriter duo behind popular alternative rock band Balthazar, returns to Bucharest this fall with a new album, for two consecutive shows – October 9 & 10 at Control Club. Tickets for both shows are now available via Eventbook....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
J Bernardt (BE)
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 100 lei

10 Oct 2024

J Bernardt (BE)
10 Oct 2024 20:00
J Bernardt (BE)

Acclaimed Belgian musician J Bernardt, best known as one half of the singer-songwriter duo behind popular alternative rock band Balthazar, returns to Bucharest this fall with a new album, for two consecutive shows – October 9 & 10 at Control Club. Tickets for both shows are now available via Eventbook....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
J Bernardt (BE)
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 100 lei

27-28 Nov 2024

Psych Kicks | Control Club
27-28 Nov 2024 20:00
Psych Kicks | Control Club

Austrian psych-rock trio Mother’s Cake and Japanese alternative rockers Bo Ningen will perform for the first time in Bucharest at Psych Kicks – a two-day psych-rock extravaganza hosted by Control Club, between November 27-28. Day tickets + a limited number of combo tickets are now available via Eventbook....See more details

Club Control, Bucuresti
Psych Kicks | Control Club
Club Control, Bucuresti
price: 120 lei

19 Sep 2024

19 Sep 2024 20:00
MAURICE BAQUET / Maurice Baquet, l’Accordé

Franța / 53 min Regia: Gilles Chappaz Maurice Baquet a fost un muzician de cel mai înalt calibru, membru al Groupe Octobre, un fantazist, un interpret de scenă, un actor de film, un alpinist și un schior. De fapt, el s-a descris cândva drept „violoncelist-schior”, „tot singur” în această categorie, făcându-l pe campionul mondial la schi James Couttet să spună: „Dintre toți schiorii pe care îi cunosc, el este cel mai bun violoncelist”....See more details

Centrul Cultural Reduta Brașov, Brasov
MAURICE BAQUET / Maurice Baquet, l’Accordé
Centrul Cultural Reduta Brașov, Brasov
price: 0 lei (Acces pe bază de bilet cu valoare 0)