
21 Jun 2024

The match between Romania and. Belgium will be shown in Unirii Square, Cluj-Napoca, at TIFF.23

The people of Cluj are invited to watch the Romania vs. Belgium match, the second game for the National Team in the 2024 European Football Championship, on the largest screen at TIFF, in Unirii Square in Cluj-Napoca. The match will be broadcast on Saturday, June 22, starting at 22:00, and entry is free. There will be 2,000 seats available, and spectators are encouraged to co...

21 Jun 2024

Stere Gulea: "Moromete feels that he is leaving the future in good hands, and this is the essence."

Stere Gulea is preparing to offer the public a new captivating foray into the world of the Moromeți. His latest film, "Moromeții 3," will have its world premiere today at TIFF.23. We talked with the director about his personal and professional evolution, essential aspects of contemporary Romanian cinema, the challenges encountered during production, and the deep story of the ch...

21 Jun 2024

Moromeții 3. Inner Turmoil

The final episode of the Moromeții saga represents the farewell that this story needed. Stere Gulea's vision is unique in current Romanian cinema. A drama and love story with political undertones, "Moromeții 3" (fresh out of the oven for its world premiere at TIFF) concludes the history written by Marin Preda. The year is 1954, Stalin has recently died – and camps need to be...

20 Jun 2024

Three kilometers to the end of the world. The natural paradise of contrasts

The rotten judicial system and the stereotypes of a patriarchal society are explored against the backdrop of the idyllic landscapes of the Danube Delta. The third feature film by actor-turned-director Emanuel Pârvu premiered this year at the Cannes Film Festival, where it won the Queer Palm award. Now, the filmmaker is back at TIFF. The action in "Three Kilometers to the...

20 Jun 2024

Where Elephants Go

"Where Elephants Go" is a movie in which no elephants appear. It is a story of love and friendship, a pseudo-melodrama, a puzzle, and a comedy. Or almost a comedy. The camera is as restless as the characters. Much of "Where Elephants Go," the second feature film by Gabi Șarga and Cătălin Rotaru, is viewed agitatedly, moved by a camera that follows the city, life, exteriors,...

20 Jun 2024

Daniele Luchetti: "I believe that the moment we start to describe ourselves, we get lost."

De ce trebuie „să știm” cine suntem, când putem pur și simplu „să fim”? Asta e ceea ce crede, după 40 de ani de carieră, unul dintre cei mai buni regizori contemporani italieni. Om onest și extrem de prietenos, Daniele Luchetti a fost distins sâmbătă seara în cadrul TIFF.23 cu Premiul Special pentru Contribuția adusă la Cinematografia Mondială.  Citat: “Cred că regizorul car...

19 Jun 2024

Kos. Glorious Bastards Unleashed

A historical thriller filled with tension, subtext, and style, based on a true story. Poland, 1794 – the atmosphere is explosive due to military conflicts with Russia and the inhumane exploitation of peasants bound to the land by greedy nobles. The idealistic General Tadeusz "Kos" Kosciuszko (Jacek Braciak) returns from America, where he fought on the side of the United Stat...

19 Jun 2024

Mihai Chirilov talks about Romanian films

Mihai Chirilov discusses the current challenges of Romanian cinema and proposes solutions at the TIFF festival. "The problem always starts at the beginning, as it dictates how the players adapt. There are numerous funds supporting artists at the beginning of their careers, and the system is designed to support the artist from all directions. You have to deliver a film that s...

18 Jun 2024

Promised land - There Will Be Mads

Eleven years after his success with "A Royal Affair," which won two awards at the Berlinale and was nominated for an Oscar, Danish director Nikolaj Arcel reunites with Mads Mikkelsen for a new period drama set in 18th-century Denmark. Captain Ludvig Kahlen spends his days in a shelter for war veterans—he has nothing to return to: he earned his position after a quarter-centur...

18 Jun 2024

Head On

Head-On, by Fatih Akin, winner of the Golden Bear at the Berlinale in 2004, marked the film debut of actress Sibel Kekilli, who is present this year at TIFF as a member of the official competition jury. The actress will be present at the special screening of the film, and at the end, she will also participate in a discussion with the audience. Cahit is a self-destructive dru...

17 Jun 2024

May December

Early in Todd Haynes' "May December," a film born from the tabloid obsession of the '90s, Gracie Atherton-Yoo (an excellent Julianne Moore, in her fifth collaboration with the director) prepares for a barbecue with several family friends, including Elizabeth (a phenomenal Natalie Portman), the actress who will play her in a film. She asks her two teenage children to be careful...

17 Jun 2024

Voy! Voy! Voy! Europeandream

"Voy! Voy! Voy!", Egypt's entry for this year's Oscars, is a story about football, emigration, and spur-of-the-moment inspiration that is sure to enliven even the most non-sports-oriented spectators. Setting: Egypt in the 2010s. The country is going through a severe employment crisis, and almost everyone wants to get to Europe, with or without a visa. Hassan is no exception....

17 Jun 2024

My Dinner with André: Rediscovery

"If you can’t react to another person, then there’s no possibility of action or interaction.” Two friends who haven’t seen each other in five years agree to give themselves a chance to meet for dinner. They agree to connect. Introverted and fearful, Wallace agrees to meet the exuberant André again. They don’t seem to have much in common—different views on life, opposite rhyt...