a performance by Menoventi
language: Italian with Romanian subtitles
written and directed by Gianni Farina
on stage: Donatella Allegro and Rossella Dassu
technical direction: Daniele Lambertini
organization and administration: Marco Molduzzi, Maria Donnoli, Martina Barison, Stefano Toma
promotion: Maria Donnoli, Francesca Volpato
graphics: Tania Zoffoli
Romanian translation: Gabriela Petre
production: E production, Menoventi and Liberty, Stagione Agorà
partners: Italian Institute of Culture in Bucharest and the Jewish State Theater in Bucharest.
"I wanted to compensate you" is a documentary theater performance based on more than 50 interviews with concentration camp survivors, conducted by a young psychologist, Fiorella Rodella, for her bachelor thesis. The magnetic tapes were recently found in a suitcase that had been locked away for more than 25 years. The interviews bring to light fragments of a past told in the voices of those who survived the Holocaust, Holocaust denial, forgetfulness, mistrust and indifference.
Volevo risarcirvi is a performance realized within the project A tutti, voci dalla storia conceived by Liberty and supported by: Unione Reno Galliera, Città Metropolitana di Bologna, Comuni di Baricella,
Granarolo dell'Emilia, Malalbergo e Minerbio, Parco della Memoria Casone del Partigiano "Alfonsino Saccenti", with the contribution of Regione Emilia-Romagna. Liberty would like to thank: Fiorellei Rodella, ANED, Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna.
International Holocaust Memorial Day commemorates the victims of Nazi atrocities during the Second World War, marking the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in 1945. January 27 was designated by the United Nations General Assembly on November 1, 2005, as a day of remembrance and commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust. Italy officially established the commemorative day on the same date, a few years before a similar UN resolution. This day remembers the victims of the Holocaust, the victims of racial laws, those who risked their lives to protect persecuted Jews.
Entrance is free, on the basis of a 0-value ticket. To support the work of Tranzit House, we invite you to purchase a support ticket.