11 Sep 2024

Sunt un mic ticălos 4 / Despicable Me 4
11 Sep 2024 15:00
Sunt un mic ticălos 4 / Despicable Me 4

Regia: Patrick Delage, Chris Renaud Aventuri, Comedie – SUA – 2024 – 1h 35min Sinopsis: Gru, Lucy, Margo, Edith și Agnes primesc un nou membru în familie, pe Gru Jr., al cărui scop pare acela de a-și chinui tatăl. Când Gru are de înfruntat un nou dușman în persoana lui Maxime Le Mal și a prietenei sale Valentina, familia este nevoită să-și ia tălpășița.

Sunt un mic ticălos 4 / Despicable Me 4
20 lei (3D Dublat RO)
+ taxes

valabil 30 de zile

valabil 30 de zile

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Bazinul Olimpic "Ioan Alexandrescu", Oradea
Bazinul Olimpic "Ioan Alexandrescu", Oradea
Este obligatorie obținerea confirmării din partea antrenorului, privind locurile disponibile în grupă și programul.

12 Sep 2024

Hesitation Wound TIFF.18 Sibiu
12 Sep 2024 16:45
Hesitation Wound
TIFF.18 Sibiu

Nesrin is an idealistic criminal lawyer from a small town who spends her mornings in the courthouse and her evenings in the hospital by her mother’s side who lives connected to the respirator. On the day of the verdict hearing for a murder suspect whom Nesrin labored for for a long time, Nesrin learns that the suspect had actually committed the crime, but had done so for a good cause....See more details

Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
Hesitation Wound
TIFF.18 Sibiu
Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
price: 25 lei

12 Sep 2024

Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person TIFF.18 Sibiu
12 Sep 2024 18:30
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person
TIFF.18 Sibiu

Sasha is a young vampire with a serious problem: she’s too sensitive to kill! When her exasperated parents cut off her blood supply, Sasha’s life is in jeopardy. Luckily, she meets Paul, a lonely teenager with suicidal tendencies who is willing to give his life to save hers. But their friendly agreement soon becomes a nocturnal quest to fulfill Paul’s last wishes before day breaks.

Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person
TIFF.18 Sibiu
Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
price: 25 lei

12 Sep 2024

Voy! Voy! Voy! TIFF.18 Sibiu
12 Sep 2024 20:30
Voy! Voy! Voy!
TIFF.18 Sibiu

Cheerily amoral Hassan is willing to try almost anything to escape his financially challenged, dead-end life as a security guard in Egypt and head to Europe. When his opportunity to upgrade from gigolo to husband of a 70-year-old British woman ends abruptly and the expensive journey touted by people smugglers proves too complicated, he decides to feign vision loss and join a special needs soccer team who are almost on their way to the Blind World Cup in Poland....See more details

Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
Voy! Voy! Voy!
TIFF.18 Sibiu
Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
price: 25 lei

13 Sep 2024

All about the Levkoviches TIFF.18 Sibiu
13 Sep 2024 11:00
All about the Levkoviches
TIFF.18 Sibiu

The generous but stubborn boxing coach Tamás gets along well with everyone but his own son. They have not spoken since Iván moved to Israel and entered a deeply religious orthodox community. When Tamás' beloved wife Zsuzsa dies unexpectedly, the man agrees with his son that he can come and sit the Shiva in his house as long as he brings his grandson Ariel with him....See more details

Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
All about the Levkoviches
TIFF.18 Sibiu
Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
price: 0 lei (acces pe bază de bilet cu valoare 0)

13 Sep 2024

A Gogol Bordello Story TIFF.18 Sibiu
13 Sep 2024 16:30
A Gogol Bordello Story
TIFF.18 Sibiu

An intimate portrait of punk legend Eugene Hütz, the documentary follows the Ukrainian immigrant's journey to the United States, his rise to stardom with the band Gogol Bordello, and then his return to Ukraine after the Russian invasion. Through archival footage and exclusive footage, the film follows the story of Eugene Hütz, leader of the band Gogol Bordello and one of today's greatest storytellers, who uses music as a call to battle for Ukrainian cultural identity.

Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
A Gogol Bordello Story
TIFF.18 Sibiu
Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
price: 25 lei

13 Sep 2024

Where Elephants Go TIFF.18 Sibiu - Proiecție cu invitați
13 Sep 2024 18:30
Where Elephants Go
TIFF.18 Sibiu - Proiecție cu invitați

Where Elephants Go is a film in which no elephant appears. It is a story of love and friendship between three characters in a difficult moment of their existence. Leni's, a sick little girl, but at the same time full of life. Of Marcel, a young man with suicidal tendencies for no reason or perhaps for all the reasons in the world....See more details

Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
Where Elephants Go
TIFF.18 Sibiu - Proiecție cu invitați
Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
price: 25 lei

13 Sep 2024

Crossing TIFF.18 Sibiu
13 Sep 2024 21:00
TIFF.18 Sibiu

Lia, a retired teacher, made a promise to find her long lost niece Tekla. The search takes her to Istanbul, a beautiful city that seems full of connections and possibilities. There she meets Evrim, a lawyer fighting for trans rights, and Tekla starts to feel closer than ever...

Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
TIFF.18 Sibiu
Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
price: 25 lei

14 Sep 2024

Horia TIFF.18 Sibiu - Proiecție cu invitați
14 Sep 2024 11:00
TIFF.18 Sibiu - Proiecție cu invitați

After a fight with his father, 17-year-old Horia takes off on his father’s old motorbike in a cross-country journey to reunite with his love. On the road, he is joined by Stela, a sassy 13-year-old, and an unlikely friendship blooms. With the seemingly endless road in front of them, the two kids will have to face some challenges, but might receive the opportunity to forge their future selves.

Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
TIFF.18 Sibiu - Proiecție cu invitați
Cine Gold - Sala 4, Sibiu
price: 0 lei (acces pe bază de bilet cu valoare 0)