21 Jun 2024

Stere Gulea: "Moromete feels that he is leaving the future in good hands, and this is the essence."

Stere Gulea is preparing to offer the public a new captivating foray into the world of the Moromeți. His latest film, "Moromeții 3," will have its world premiere today at TIFF.23. We talked with the director about his personal and professional evolution, essential aspects of contemporary Romanian cinema, the challenges encountered during production, and the deep story of the character Niculae.

Mara Iulia: What is the significance of the Moromeți series for you as a director, and how do you feel you have developed professionally and personally through these films?

Stere Gulea: A rather difficult question. Now, at the end of this adventure, it seems I am confronted with this trilogy inspired by Marin Preda. One could also discuss other films I have made, but it seems that my identity is better defined here. It has been an endeavor spanning nearly 40 years, even though I took a huge break of over 30 years between the first and second films, but I would say that I have not strayed from this area. As the character says, it is the world I know best. I was born into it, its values seem very clearly defined to me, and they have shaped me, so naturally, I feel at ease in this realm.

**M.I.: From what I understand, this will be the last film in this series. Are there plans for other similar projects inspired by Romanian literature?

**S.G.: I don't want to make any promises; at the moment, I'm not thinking about that and can't say I have anything in mind. I also don't want to say in absolute terms that I've finished my career. I'll let time show me where it takes me. For now, I am happy to have reached this point, and we'll see what happens next, depending on how much health and energy I still have.