World 2 War / Conflagrație mondială

World 2 War / Conflagrație mondială Astra Film Festival 2016

World 2 War / Conflagrație mondială

Astra Film Festival 2016

Film Presentation:
[Full-Dome film] World 2 War (Conflagrație mondială) este un documentar realizat în tehnica full-dome, care combină secvențe de luptă cu perpective de ansamblu asupra câmpurilor de bătălie și referințe istorice sub formă de filmări video și fotografii pentru a crea în jurul spectatorului senzația că se află în mijlocul marilor bătălii ale celui de-al doilea Război Mondial.

Film's Website:

Director's Bio-Filmography:
Peter Geerts:
“My educational background is in mechanical engineering. At the age of 18 I got really interested in the visual side of product development. This slowly pushed me in the direction of animation and film. Because of my background I often find myself getting drawn in on the technical side of a production. I really like to work on simulations and physically plausible animations. I also enjoy doing compositing and post production work. Besides that I love music and audio production.”
Mathijs Brussaard:
“I knew from a young age that computers had my interest. From trying to make music with (early)computers to altering demo intros from computer games, it was all fun to learn. I decided to study computer science, but after a short period I found out that the creative side of working with computers had more of my interest. I finished a multi media design education in which I realized I really like to be creative with all kinds of media.”

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