
Zombillenium Anim'est 2017 - Special Programme


Anim'est 2017 - Special Programme

Zombillenium, un parc tematic despre Halloween, este unicul loc de pe glob unde monştrii se ascund în văzul tuturor. Când Hector, un bărbat obişnuit, ameninţă că va dezvălui tuturor identitatea angajaţilor, directorul, un vampir, nu are decât o scăpare: să îl angajeze şi pe el. Dar, pentru a-şi vedea din nou fiica, Hector va trebui să scape de colegii săi zombi şi vârcolaci.

Festivaluri: Cannes 2017, Annecy 2017, Locarno 2017

Regizor: Arthur de Pins, Alexis Ducord
Ţara: Franța, Belgia


Zombillenium, the Halloween theme park, happens to be the one place on earth where real monsters can hide in plain sight. When Hector, a human, threatens to disclose the true identity of its employees, the Vampire Park Manager has no other choice but to hire him. To see his daughter, Hector must escape from his Zombies and Werewolves coworkers.

Festivals: Cannes 2017, Annecy 2017, Locarno 2017

Directed: Arthur de Pins, Alexis Ducord
Country: France, Belgium


At this moment, we do not have any future performances scheduled.

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